you want to integrate your processes : then put your full heart not half into it

Enterprise solution is an integrated thought not any technical wonder and it never fails for any technical gliches rather than mental blockage or managerial grossness.

The enterprise solution is less technical and more managerial where the whole organisation gets changed in two directions simultaneously. While in bottom up direction it is about the evolutionary , the top down direction   must be simply revolutionary. In its structural change the bottom suffers less than the top because evolution is natural process whereas the revolution is not because it demands radicalisation ,a complete reengineering of the processes. While reorienting its thinking and visualising  the new environment the leadership can appreciate and accommodate its vision or goals in the new framework of solution , then only  solution will work because mostly the implementation of such softawares ultimately becomes more transformational and less tarnsactional.

Some basic premises this software beast (as it surely keep scratching each and everyone in the organisation once unleashed) are like:

  1. Superimposition of the structure on the organisation structure and the establishing the gateways at ever layers and levels between the two for seamless and smooth communication.
  2. ERP implementation must be in strategic vision of the organisaion and the the whole PMS or performance metrics must be reorganised with its (the solution’s)elements mapped  in each quadrant of the score card.
  3. Job profiles will get morphed and every body will be impacted so it is very much required to get the guys at the desk  prepared for it both way culturally and technically
  4. The clout or the hierarchy of implementation must be well established so that everybody must embrace with new environment , educate on this newer version of job design and try to exploit its full potential. The power structure must be redesigned to take the  challenge and tide over the conflict in real time otherwise the whole project will be surely bugged by common organisation blues like inertia, anachronism and aversion to change.
  5. The data will be onwards highly loaded with information which impact with immediate change , the ease of working, realtime appraisal , spurt in efficiency and effectiveness. It will be more of less like photon particle in an atom which keeps moving adrift with Brownian motion till being pinned down and hit in sychotrone creating huge exothermic reaction . Here also till date the datas were moving mostly amorphous and achromatic and now onwards they are getting topped up with information and reloaded into the throughput in decision lines. So at every level and layers we must appreciate the new avatar of data and its singularity and sanctity departing from past duality /multiplicity while  defining the actvities in new way.
  6. The knowledge osmosis between the developer and the client , the implementer and the process owners must be smooth and seamless so that unnecessary glitches or grudge (out of misinformation or misguidance ) must not create any hurdles in its super fluidity (knowledge , information ).
  7. The interfaces everywhere must keep on debating , discussing and deciphering the meaning of anything concerned whether managerial or technical in a crystal clear communication.

In fact clarity and contunuity of coommunication as well as integration of objective are at the soul of software suite called ERP which simply cannot be let loose anyway. Any breach or boundary between the developer , intgerator and user will simply play havoc in completely distabilising the softwares which will end up being more problematic for the organisation rather than any meaningful solution .


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