The big curtain in front of you is being just lifted up and you never cared while been seen napping in the theatre …..

It is very amazing to appreciate the world we live in have infinite number of varieties and unrestricted vastness which are simply extending and expanding unrelentingly. And every variety is again combination of the n number of events got processed in so many conditions applied and so many assumptions taken. So just read the ripple on the face of a cobbler on the roadside , it speaks so many stories untold , so many facts to be opened up, just single redemption will fill your sac full of surprises. The treasure trove a single roadside cobbler gathers in his tenure will surpass the great novelist ‘s whole life’s asset of scriptures written and may be awaiting to be written. And you just imagine how you are passing the man(the street cobbler) very casually while gluing your eyes on the some good novel or getting you ear to some weighed conversation on some good literature. Now if you just put the perspective unwinding in the background of the cobbler sitting by the roadside , the back ground score of noise or the passing dialogues (of which one voice may be yours) , the color of sunshine shaping his shadow , or the script of his version picked up from his associates while he is speaking with his customer all just will create the next nominee for the co actor for the Oscar or the Golden Globe award of the year.

And yes we are missing so many moving cinemas getting screened in front of our eyes where you are also in some role inevitably whether you like it or lump it. A background score maker , a scriptwriter ,a cinematographer an editor ,an actor or mere a spectator whatever name it may be given you are always there as passive or active participant which you simply cannot avoid. The nicety of life is how you really embrace this role with full mindfulness rather than missing the pieces due to multitasking hollowness(and so too busy apparent to miss your surrounding).

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