You must credit yourself to be happy enough…

For your happiness to whom you should be thankful to the person, place or the persepective which tender your happiness or yourself who wanted to be happy by whatever been bestowed? The question just gets more philosophical rather than personal more you go deeper of your realisation. As we understand and surely appreciate the fact that happiness gets multiplied once you be able to show your gratitude to the source(which again may be person, process , place or simply a new perspective) , the first initiation or the stimulant is your own approach to each and everything you face whether its eventful or so called nondescript ones. If you are prepared or potent enough to be happy without getting trapped with expectation or aspiration of any kind (which just brews the next cause of frustration as both follows no limit or constraints) , then no force in the world however demonic or devilish it may be just can make you unhappy. You can always  take the world in your own stride. Yes chance is there that the provocation, misinterpretation and ultimately force-feeding you with lots of negativity at least or uttering fatalist philosophy at best to accommodate them(all those so called misfortune or failure) as your predestined and predefined fate accompli , but again you and nobody else should be credited with how  the last time you took it so spirited and sportingly and just impressed upon the event rather than getting suppressed by it. Thus you can exploit every happening with or around you however unwarranted or undesired for you to your advantage to enjoy the takeaway to help you and other to be happy enough. My be this way you can be a direct contributor to the gross national happiness of our nation the most modern measure of development of any country.

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