Rise of Right is basically Rise of Wrong not Fall of Left in new world order…..

Every alternate person in the world is so upset about Brexit or Trump’s victory misses much harsher truth  and that it is  the same west which reinforced Moore’s law , reinvigorated the free market or took lead to save the mother earth by reversing the climate catastrophe voted for these new power of right(Therese May) or right plus plus(Trump) who swore to  defy and denounce everything the west achieved over the decades or century. This shows that the west got bamboozled with the smoke and mirror of the globalization they created and catered so long without really meaning it .Or else they never wanted to create it in this manner which like Frankenstein ‘s monster simply set to rule or rout them  one day. This time they are also missing another truth which will put them in further regression adding to the recession they already are facing. The new world order is undeniable and axis of coordinating it just got redefined . Gone are those days when the military , money or the muscle (veto in UN , Security council, WB, IMF etc) which ruled the roost. Now it is individual  ie the human brain,  intelligence ( read business intelligence) that excavate and exploit anything and everything out of big data and lastly idea (the crowd sourcing , opensourcing ) flowing seamlessly from the most backward nation to solve or shoot trouble of developed nation which will just redefining the globalization. Clearly rising with their rightist lineage however protectionist this new power may be about their trade or market, however xenophobic they become  with the fear of job loss or competency laggardness , however insanity they show with their sudden dragging the feet on climate control , the world already got metamorphosed with new age thinking which can hardly be reversed and rather reinvigorated by new order . With this sudden retreat or reversion on their thought process the only redemption left for them is loosing their leadership they evolved , earned and enjoyed over the years now by fast becoming mere followers of the new age thinkers (may be now from the east and far east) . The job market and so the economy , trade everything in shifted supply chain or scattered innovation and crowdsourced invention these days keep moving to comparatively advantageous nation irrespective of legacy or old linage of  wealth or well being. The money , material or manpower will populate as well as progress the nation which will shelter them not shove them out or shut the door for them out of induced fear and phobia.

Wish the west better understand it faster or it will be too late for them to come out with another brand like iphone or facebook , google or to dare to design algorithm to connect and convene with other planet much beyond our world. In fact rise of right will simply spell doom for the west shoving them in the wrong and self defeating spiral faster than they thought.

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