Need to recharge yourself, merge inside the crowd and forget your identity: Let’s get Crowdcharging


which head is yours? crowd is pure, crowd is pristine, crowd is so emancipating…

Why you need to take an arduous journey to discover yourself, when there is a huge colourful crowd across your doorstep?

It is really a pity, that we when got tired and tardy being pressed inside the daily ordeal of our assignment, aspiration and exasperation, we get desperate to find an escape route. A long arduous journey to find a solitary island , an exploration in deep and dense forest to locate the lone cottage or to more strainful walking on a troughs of trail on high altitude terrain normally frozen and forgotten not being trekked for long past. We spend our so hard-earned leisure much more precious than our normal time, shell out huge cost, and engage our all those neural network to find the right-most resort or recluse places. And every time we took the pain to find out exit route of the mental baggage, the burden of office tension or home unrest , they all keep moving with us there in the peak, inside the jungle or in the lonely hut in distant island. It is as if we just took all these pain to rediscover that the dissociation from busy mind or bustling work is simply impossible.

Not any time more.

Let us get ourselves crowdcharging.

Crowd is more pure and pristine than the solitude which always suffer from the unwanted adulteration from the unprecedented disturbances. Your old acquaintance may invade your solitude. You may find another disturbed mind in your next door neighbour came with equal enthusiasm to get himself or herself sanitised from those contaminated and corrupt daily life of real world entangled with unsolicited threat, unreal target, and unpredicted mood of his or her office seniors or unyielding juniors. So your ambition of exclusive recluseness is never warranted. Now you just try to get the taste of the crowd outside your closed and claustrophobic life. The crowd is much more pure at its heart with complete heterogeneity. Crowd is much more colourful with its intrinsic character of variety of minds and variation with their vast spectrum of their ambition and aspiration. Just put your own aspiration(and that is to enjoy the crowd being one of them) inside the diverse nature of it and see how to really get your catharsis as well as cleansing by this warm and wonderful mass of people while you are contributing to the same spectrum of vastness and varieties of which you are also a part. In a crowd , you have nothing to lose rather than to add your part of warmth and wit if you participate in it by compulsive de-egotisation. In a crowd you have nothing to fear about if your purse and pocket are just protected enough not to be pierced by another partner of the crowd conventionally wrong enough for careless you but equally right enough for the colourful a part of the crowd to enrich its heterogeneity. Just imagine yourself, the otherwise boss in your office ,you always boasted of high attitude and higher aptitude with continuous showcasing intelligence and diligence creating an iconic image while passing the corridor of your office building. You are so accustomed with adoration and adulation while leap frogging every hurdle of achievement, you simply take everything (your post, position, promotion, personality) ,virtually everything which have been making what you are as granted. In fact being opiated with your success and stream of achievements sometimes you miss the yesterdays’ row of listener, or cue of learners of which you are a very committed part not long ago. This continuous struggle to excel in what you do today and exceed what you achieved yesterday has its collateral damage. You are getting awfully consumed with your quest for the best and the embedded struggle for success is leaving you a more android and less human followed by string of other imbalances in family, in society and so on. A full recharge is immediate, a refuel is already impending and you are desperate for an escape for sometimes. Just in a crowd you will see all those thing clubbed together. You put yourself inside a crowd , you ride a public bus stuffed with most common people, the daily labourer huddled on the engine room like cattle , the petty suppliers stretching the tolerance of other passengers by loading the floor with their big sacs and office going babus sweated out all stories of public apathy towards their office infamous for inaction and incompetence. You being part o fthem can just test your tolerance physical and mental both. While not getting any seat to sit you are lsitening all those stories spoken loud and may be lewd with least eruditeness expected from the common man. The level of de egotisation , deleveling certainly introduce you to new perspective of life till undiscovered , infuse your new thought process till unexplored. You will see the crude yet chirpy life surrounds your otherwise stale and stagnant world of supremacy , smugness and snottiness. Being first thrown and then challenged outside your comfort and coziness , you will pick up so many lesson of survival , struggle from there itself. Suddenly you feel very much mobile, dynamic and strategist while fighting the compulsive war on the street. While being a part of it you will own it too. In fact now you are no more in a recluse silo to skim and sip the spill over of life rather you are deep inside its vim and vigour to be the part of its full vibrancy. And that is the way we can really enjoy the life to its hilt. Charging ourself in this pure pristine crowd to mak eus complete more and more.

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