wrong is never right but neutrality is simply dangerous and end up as suicidal


You take right position or wrong position but never take neutral position , it is simply most damaging among all.

It is always a very curious case for this world to survive where most are creating confusion while least are boosting its confidence . But if real damage or degradation of it is caused by the third kind of people who takes neutral position everywhere. This specific cult are very much used to or completely insulated to anything or everything . They can bear the whole episode of humiliation or harassment of their colleague and still will not raise their voice in anticipation of wrath from the seniors. They just look the other way while any wrong thing happens in front of them in the road , in the train or in the shopping mall pretending to be too busy to notice. In the debate they will keep their lips tight not to slip anything politically incorrect word however factually correct they may be. They shut their mouth, close their eyes and keep moving in an animated speed along with their clones typified with same nature. They keep jostling , huddling and harnessing each others’ vices and virtues but never ever dared to peep outside their coveted  boundary fiercely guarded by their indifference and inaction . They intend to buy or bargain peace by inaction or neutrality and mostly end up being passive catalyst of the escalation of problem itself. In the bus , train, airport lounge, in the class room , market or the office floor they simply try to take the role of bystander avoiding any comments , carefully sidestepping any involvement neither containing it nor catering to it with an excuse to bargain his or her own peace. Thus this special species just let the impasse prolongs, problem persists and situation aggravates by not intervening. We never know whether a debate is right or wrong, a dissent just or unjust, a difference worth fighting for or not if we do not get involved in it. Being mere and mute spectator of it , or ignoring it today as an non issue for ourselves or just taking our hands off understanding it never fits our interest will basically allow it tomorrow to spread out or spill over to our coziness and comfort zone to unsettle the same status  and costing the same  peace and placidness  we have been guarding so obsessively or obstinately (not getting engaged in it ). Wrong side is always more right than mere neutrality as it never warrants regression rather than aggression of any wrong thing as passivity , inactivity or inertness just allow any war more encompassing .

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