Burning Desire (Coal Story-2)

The story line never got written properly ,

The stage was never set for any great show,

The narrative still got drenched in the dark shades of the feudal past,

Never ever a poem , or any prose was written on it.

Still the characters here are all bare-bones ,

No costume , no camouflage , no conundrum.

The show is just so surreal .

The man in the cab just got down being scorched skin deep in so many hours under blazing sun.

The man in the cage just looks so dazed got soaked with darkness after so many hours in distant tunnel.

And here me overground or underground keep burning with so many desires .

Desire to lighten your town,

Desire to warm your room,

Desire to run your firm.

And so I keep burning so deeper.

They tried to convert me to ash .

They tried to make me criminal.

They tried to trade me with polluted mind.

They polluted me more than I pollute their air.

Still here I am to  keep burning myself just for you,

Still here  I am  to make you smile with thousand lumens,

And I will be here with you for so many years , in your journey,

When you write your story ,

When you write your civilization,

I keep burning to lighten your every word , letter and exclamation .

I keep burning to fight with every shade of darkness on your desk.

I am the coal , the burning desire  who never resigns from your story .


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