Hard landing on moonland voyage could hardly dent the success story of Vikram but hard landing on homeland reforms can severely damage the image of Govt …..

A project once takes off could hardly be said failure or success in absolute sense as it defines (and redefines when needed) its narratives which are always function of three things which are time (which speaks of milestones on its timeline)cost(the efficiency , innovation ) and deliverable(quality, scale of achievement etc ). And the best part of any project is that at every point of time it gets its conclusion according to its milestones set. The smart project never gets frozen or gets sacrosanct once taken or set forth as it happens in any traditional project management rather it moves from automation to autonomous in its stage of criticality which could be best showcased by our Vikram’s ambitious voyage to moon. 

While ISRO’s precision of project management rightly be the best case study (even in the world benchmark)of near cent percent accuracy in every project it takes indisputably be best coordinated with least cost , best deliverable and on most accurate timeline, we wish the GoI takes a cue from its success stories while it does its own calculation or calibration of time , deliverable and cost of economy while it designed its project called “demonitisation” , “abrogation of article 370 the instrument of accession of Kashmir “ or by latest “NRC , Assam”. While in one deliverable (the black money expected to be blocked not back to economy) just ended with damp squib , in the other it created its own entrapment with no exit route in sight to get out of the over militarized zone called Kashmir in near future. In the latest one of Assam Census out of 4 million, 2 million are just put in suspended animation on their future citizenship with a long process of appellate and courts with indecision perpetuated so also their voting right and other entitlement. Added to it around 3 lakhs names had gone missing from any list(exclusion or inclusion) which means these guys in apprehension of not making to the list just went underground and resolved to stay without citizenship in the country!!!

In all these three projects showcased as achievement in first 100 days of the government the problem is not in intention(the causes for which they were proposed) but implementation (the way they were planned or performed) as with every project one exit route or scope of scenario planning is embedded which is expected to be activated once the conventional route is closed or gone barricaded. 

The Hon’ble PM’s assertion amongst ISRO scientists a couple of days ago could not be better timed when he said that he did not come to them to motivate them rather to get inspired himself by them. GoI , NITI every body must take the lesson from ISRO while unleashing the next big reform to understand how any project can never fail provided you put it in triple axis of time line precisely calibrated , cost diligently calculated and lastly deliverables clearly planned at different phases of it which need not necessarily be conclusive or christened with nomenclature as success or failure to fit or fire poll campaign as our politicians normally do.

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