The letter “S” makes a lot of difference, we public servants are “S”elected not elected.

 They never be Us nor We ever want to be Them

It’s a common fallacy , the  man in  the chair specially in the political arena confuse with power of chair and the process of ascending to that chair. These confusions get multiplied when they just could not find the enough bold line drawn between the chair by politics and chair by constitution. One is legislative and another is executive. Either we should be very alert to the clear cut exclusivity  of the this apparently transcending position(from legislative post to executive one) or just never aspire for such dual post anyway which got its huge potentially enough harmful both for the party and post and so also its prospect anyway. 

Then why such difference between two processes and  so the people who are gets  to the position from such two different processes. To begin with when a bureaucrat or a technocrat gets selected she or he gets by virtue of his or her worth , credential , past experiences and expertise developed. His or her qualification and quality both matters to make him eligible for the job. The interview takes from few hours to days long supported with recommendation if needed . Every selection is with a purpose and the output of backend planning for some goals to be achieved which is retrofitted in the interview or credential check of the incumbent rather than recruiting him or her randomly. 

Just opposite happens in the election process which is more cult based rather than quality dependent and that too also keep changing with the party, ideology, personality , issues etc. Neither the underlying qualification be judged of the people who asks for election (or stand in husting) nor his worth , past experience or exposure to particular issue are under the scanner before stamping on his symbol. At best the instant oratory or impromptu on the subjects mostly criticizing the opponent rather than correcting their own and in rarest occasion communicating on solution or ideas proposed if given chance, all these names in election fray just keep playing to gallery all along. Some self  glorifying agenda by either miming the other sides’ narrative  by force or fear , some well rehearsed and top quoted diatribe to captivate the humor  of the audience rather than their heed  or attention , these leaders on dais are more obsessed with style of communication rather than substance to connect or cater solution to the people. And the election process also never demands his credential as any legislative member which is itself very broadly or vaguely defined with main focus of eligibility rather than his or her eloquence  on any issue so also expertise or efficacy  to solve it. So  he gets  elected more on experimental basis  and less on expertness by the electorate  mostly out of repulsion to other alternate and very least on resume of the candidate. You never see any antecedent of the candidate, you never ask a single question (which will not be  fielded  neither fixed by ) , you just elect him as to give a chance as you give to any of those uncertain tour or unchartered territory to try with . Your individual risk here is very low (although collective or institutional risk is too high) as you are not personally invested to elect that person where the only diligence you do is stand in the line and cast your vote . Even most of the time you simply never do your due diligence to choose the best one or compare the man you are going to vote for , with others in the fray, at least with any intense rationalization . In any case if you would have done your part of fact check , there are very little chance  that the best candidate will win the seat.  

And with all these blurred credential, the man with the mike keep promising the moon without even understanding the moon is either planet or star. And while promises and pledges obeys no bound before the count of ballots, it all simply and very succinctly disappear and die out once he wins. An elected member , as he is he just keep breaking all those promises  in the same pace as he built up thanks his complete nativity to execute or plan any thing which  technically or economically too complex(and the running a country is just that) for him to even appreciate it. In a constant denial or consistently distracting the issues , a legislator turned executive(whom we tell minister)  just keep rearing an illusion for himself  or herself  with an false notion that everybody , the people who elected him and  the other who did not vote for him/her all are too idiot to understand his ignorance ,  naivety and laggardness or lack of knowledge to tackle any issue upfront. 

While like the king without any cloths whom nobody dares to tell the truth that he is naked , the man there just got too exposed to everybody who simply gives a damn to what these elected figure makes or breaks. Irony is that while Selected numbers moves with responsibility and role s/he is bestowed with , the Elected one just does opposite , disowning and defying every thing he fails to appreciate , the nation , its  embedded guiding force ie  Constitution , its economy , its development everything which needs the technical insightfulness not any rhetoric or regressive dialogue.

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