Pandeconomics Series

Pandeconomics-1 29-4-2020

While the whole World in general and the country like India particular are nearing to only certain ultimate soln against this contagion ie herd immunity, don’t you think the whole economic cost being incurred now for the  national pause will be fast converted into sunk cost.

The fact remains that the northern hemisphere can afford it but not the southern one.

 What we   had comparative advantage like younger population and warmer climate could have  used to grow the antibodies inside stratified layers of demography ( somewhere caution somewhere trust) rather than moving towards a wholesale  copybook  solution(read it pretext to solution) borrowed from west of lockdown which apparently has no exit route.

Pandeconomics-2 01-05-2020

Did the corona give lee way to the autocrats ?

The corona contagion  and the unique conundrum  around it gave a very fresh lease  to the power grabber autocrat to suppress the fact(even the infection statistics  or so also  strategy of health care against it) , to reinforce their rule  being bestowed  the supreme power to decide  in such time of national crisis by the law of land where the opposition  gets literally pigeonholed or the  media which are just forced into embedded journalism publishing with Govt directives rather than free press. Lastly they just find their easy surrogate of political overtone under the apparent statesmanship. This type of eventuality just gives the unique chance to the  otherwise paranoid, perplexed  today’s citizen who surely be tomorrow’s electorate  to forget and forgive the other discredit or decadence of their Chief’s  past rule. And this opportunity just have so much leverage getting further extended as the confusion of any forthcoming solution simply lingers. Under the garb of quarantine , lock down , national pause  etc the democracy , the rights and privilege all these  just took the back seat while personal agenda, political undertone (even political vendetta to imprison for breaking the rule) etc prevails as the whole world keep engaged with the battle with invisible and uncertain.

Pandeconomics-3 09-05-2020

The issue of the day is how market will behave after the lockdown whether it gets revoked straight way or staggered way. In one side the sudden lockdown for one and half month just put the producer specially apart from essential goods with huge inventory trap which have been too overbearing to carry on any more so big discount , stock clearance and so also supply surplus is in the waiting. In other way huge slump of economy , overshooting ,unemployment, bottomed out liquidity all will  dent a big hole in purchasing power so complete downward spiral is just breathing on every country’s (so the corporate’s)shoulder. A third angle is that due to national pause there is complete impasse in manufacturing , service and all allied jobs so  there is chance that huge supply problem will be created as any company in such start-stop rhythm(only certain module existing these days of uncertainty) of economy  needs so many months to come to its full productivity. The whole problem of production and also productivity will be hampered due to restricted , regulated supply of labour(some went home , some allowed with fix numbers).And the list of variables(some tested some untested) keep increasing .

So being trapped under such divergent pull how market will behave post lockdown period?

Pandeconomics-4 10-05-2020

In climate issue we see lock down is bliss in disguise . The nature is recharging itself after a long time. 

The bigger picture what we are missing that till the other day every  congregation , covenant , conference on climate kept on coming to an unanimity in thinking , there is no such market mechanism(promote some and proscribe other) like carbon credit or state mechanism (taxing you material which contains ) too proven to itself to be monitored, as in aggregate the waste gas never falls short. Recently all the upcoming nations in the name of developing and underdeveloped just got too reluctant to trade of their growth(rate and real both) with the climate by measures like alternate but costlier energy than coal burnt power etc with its excuse that developed reached its state today by doing just what developing are doing now growth buoyed  on  giga gallon of waste gas. So the argument  kept continuing from Doha to Uruguay to Copenhagen to Paris to Morocco and minds gets changed , measures  not  cared dragging the earth in the spiral of climate  got sucked , celsius got soared  ,  disease  got spread. And somebody’s action is always offset by other’s inaction. 

But the corona virus just leave no space of discontent. It made everyday suffers irrespective of developed , developing , pretentious and pure heart , rich and poor or south and north. All came to standstill , all got its own pause . All are too coiled in uncertainty to burn the  fossil fuel beyond the bare minimum , all stopped ravaging the earth at the name of development .

 And we are in regression mode in civilisation and so also climate.The whole world is getting cooled  and nourished back to its past, refreshed. It is the first time in human civilisation just a microbe , an invisible organism , a worm not any war  brought the burning of fossil fuel  to its lowest level. 

Pandeconomics- 5 16-05-2020

The time was never been more right . Blame it on Covid Crisis, Indian economics toeing the global economical cataclysm  nosedived so much eroding the wealth created for last four decades (assume the USA rise till 80s then   Singapore , South Korea  , China then others ). 

For India in these days (PreCorona and Post reform)along with its economy , democracy got further matured and so also stiff resistance to big ticket reform , like changing labour law, revoking coal nationalisation , merging banking and opening up private participation in all those  sectors which were either losing or  profiting at suboptimal level.In our parliamentary democracy where local leaders’ agendas always triumph over the national interest , every bold step forward got two steps backward , the phenomenon where even majoritarian Govt also could not help. And nobody could escape its ultra protectionist approach to market in the garb of patriotism and nationalism , even not the party which backs this Govt these days.

Corona suddenly upended the situation and presented some rarest of the rare scope to push forward all those reform overdue  for so long and that also at one go. And this time without any any single resistance as sloganeering mind and agitating lips all are kept shut under the confinement of lockdown. In the crisis time only voice gets heard and which is of the supreme leader or the head of the state and nobody else.

So time is ripe to repeal nationalisation act of coal, reform labour laws to induce the agility as well as mobility  and so on.

Yesterday you saw UP and other reformed the labour laws, today GoI pushed for freeing coal market (produce and sell for Pvt) allowing 500 players!  You saw MSMEs are  being geared  up with soft loans and strong support to flourish . Not to forget , Chinese  Corona Conundrum  just trafficked the big multinationals shifting their base towards India And the list  is just getting longer.

So fasten your sit belt  and embrace for New India which may be not same as before  but surely not always poorer in every count be  rest assured.

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