What is your own LLM(Large Language Model) to learn the learning

Skill of Learning is more important than the Learning any Skill itself .
It follows the old adage , you want to feed the hungry or teach him to fish to feed himself.
When you really want to get enlightened you need to connect every dot you picked up while in journey with what you are destined to see in resultant canvas. The back end exposure now gets connected with front end experimentation or exploration to enjoy the crux of any full scape knowledge.
Just find out you are onboarding for a journey and you are crossing the road in very much comfort and coziness , the indulgence will simply not allow you to register the surrounding and thus end up with the half baked or should I say a piecemeal of enjoyment(which is destination) by depriving yourself for the prime part of it(ie journey).
Promotion or post inspires somebody do execution with excellence but for expansion or new exploration he or she will look towards the leaders who actually keep expediting different paths by processing all those mistakes as well as critical success factors he picked up or learnt over the years. Performance always matter but more than that which matters how your frame your whole job and what are different pretext behind it to understand where you need to improvise or improve when it goes wrong.
A good coders can excel in writing codes but an excellent coder is good at understanding philosophy behind any coding. The first one be very contemporarily skilled and the second one is skilled for present and future both.

So what are the nuances to learn the learning?
First you learn to Respect your evolution , the journey through which you got to be one of the most advanced species in the earth ie Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Second you learn to Regret your underachievement as you got most of your advancement/assets are unexplored and untapped. Your brain just works at the most suboptimal level.
Third you learn to Rear the habit of reading (add others’ ideas), writing (articulate your ideas)and conversing(assimilate with others’ ideas) with surrounding.

You just keep deconstructing, reconstructing , and thus refine every thing you are doing to roll out a full proof implantation plan for it with its entrenched risk management and feedback system. It is applicable for individual activity , corporate projects and beyond and it applies in your life at every stage.
So crux here is that you train yourself with skill of learning (so many layers are there ) and pick every lesson from your surrounding . You can find this itself is a skill on how to continuously prime an prepare yourself as best receptor or sensor while appreciating uniqueness in each and everything you come across or chance upon rather than pervert your inborn geniuses with commonness or any homogeneity .

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