Rampant Logging in Amazon Basin in the name of development : How human kind are volunteering to do Climate Kamikaze , Japanese style suicide by gassing themselves

The earth has never felt such bankrupt before .Logging certainly got its traction being wrongly traded off with development. The irrational exuberance about affordability of global pollution but not local underdevelopment just pushing the climate to its edge again .These days the lead to squeeze out oxygen and stuffing with waste gas in our air has been taken by nobody else but the custodian of the widest amazon rainforest narrated as global lungs , the Brazial Prez Mr Zair Bolsonaro who is just ranting and roaring everyday to cut the rainforest to clear the path to development in the vast amazon basin. While it adds to already beleaguered nation with draught ,poverty recession in local level in globally it will add another notch spike in temperature by adding 0.1 degree more to already soaring Celsius. Being the lab for photosynthesis for 40% of earth , the amazon rainforest just supply the lifeline of oxygen to the asphyxiated world with choking growth spearheaded by different statesman with different excuses at different phases. So day before yesterday it was west , yesterday it was middle east , China and today it is Latin America everybody just extracts its share of allowance to precipitate the killing PM in our already stressed lungs to get it punctured and expectancy punctuated with every passing generation. 

Surprisingly while deforestation perforates the air by 8% ozone depleting greenhouse gas amongst all other human misadventures, the aid to replenish it attracts is just 3% among all climate coffer. So defense of tree against logging is itself much weaker when countering the logic of development anyway. Until we get suffocated with pulmonary malfunction of these development logic, we simply cannot give up this path of self destruction. It is simply Climate Kamikaze in Japanese Style of gassing your own car and chamber to commit suicide and take glory in it. In fact the history of civilization got enough scope of getting obliterated once the voice of some idiots like Mr Trump to trumpet his idiocy to reverse the climate commitment of his country or Mr Bolsonaro to bluster his idiosyncrasy to destroy the respiratory balance of the world are being allowed to rant. The extreme zeal to woe the electorate and win the crown at any cost without caring how much stupid and self destructive they might be , the loud and lousy voice of these type of statesmen are now all out to gas and gag the earth with unprecedented speed. One is still hell bent to bet on to stuff I our air by gases of fossil fuel by reopening its closed mines and false sense of creating another spurt of already disabled miners’ job or employment and the other is squeezing out the residual oxygen by downing all shutters of lab of photosynthesis by wiping out greenery of amazon basis. It is nothing but we are in the race of outcompeting others to hasten the Climate Kamikaze for the earth with suicide a note on “development”. After all a tree or its green trunk is very weak to fend and fight its own case against these words development , employment, economy and such others.

বিস্মৃত সমারোহ( a lost memory in Delhi) ( কাব্য গ্রন্থ : জারজ খোলস the veiled suite )

বিস্মৃত সমারোহ( a lost memory in Delhi)

যে বাসটা হুডমুডিয়ে আচমকাই রাস্তায় নেমে এলো

তুমি তাকে আমার জন্মের অনুলিপি বলতে পারো।

আসলে জন্ম থেকেই আমি আমার বাবা মায়ের চেয়ে বয়সে  বড় ছিলাম ,

আর ওদের পেরিয়ে যমুনার পাড়ে আমার আনেক আগে থেকেই অগাধ বিচরণ।

মা আমার মা তখন সদ্য বিবাহিতা 

জরির শাড়ীতে রুপোলী সব চুমকি মায়ের চোখ মুখে চকমক করছে।

আমাকে জন্মাতে সেও তো দেখতে পেলনা  ,

প্রসব  যন্ত্রণার সময় তার পায়ের নূপুরের নিক্বণ অস্পষ্ট ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছিল  ,

যেন দূর কোন নিষিদ্ধ নগরীর চাপা  কথপোকথন।

 তখন  চায়ের দোকানে জ্বলে উঠছিল সব সাঁঝ বাতিরা 

আর রাতের তারারা একে একে কাচের পাত্রের বাদ্যযন্ত্র নিয়ে রাস্তায় ,

সারিবদ্ধ ভাবে তারা দেয়ালে ঝোলান মলিন কিছু অ্যালবামের ঘর গুলোতে ,

ঝরে পড়া পলাস্তারা ঝেড়ে সমস্ত তেলকুপিতে তেল ভরে রাখছে ।

যেন সমারোহ সাজাচ্ছে কোন আগন্তুকের ।

অথচ আমি তো  অনেক আগেই এসে কড়া নাড়ছিলাম আমাদের ঘরে ,

আমার চেয়ে বয়েসে অনেক ছোট আমার বাবা মাকে বলতে চেয়েও ছিলাম সে কথা ,

রাত্রির নৈঃশব্দ্য ওদের যেন আরো বেশী মুক করে দিয়ে ছিল ,

ওদের বধির কানে তারাদের আওয়াজ ছাপিয়ে আমার  দরজায় ধাক্কা ঢুকতেই পারলনা 

কাশ্মীরের পোস্টকার্ড : আগা শাহিদ আলি (কাব্য গ্রন্থ : জারজ খোলস the veiled suite )

পুরো কাশ্মীর  রাজ্যটাই আমার ছোট্ট এই ডাকবাক্সে শান্ত হয়ে শুয়ে আছে ।

যেন এক পরিচ্ছন্ন হিমালয় আমার হাতের তালুর উপর সমাহিত ।

আমার বাড়ি ফেরার আগেই দিগন্তে সূর্য অস্ত গেছে ,

ঝিলমের জল ঘোলা হয়ে গেছে অনেকদিন, 

এখন  তার  পাড়ে আমার ভালবাসা আরও বেশী নগ্ন ও নির্জন।

আমি যেন সেই বিস্মৃত অতীত কে আঁকড়ে রাখি এক বিরাট সাদা কালো ক্যানভাসে-

এক  অসম্পূর্ণ  আর অব্যাক্ত পট চিত্রে যত্ন করে ।

Burning Desire (Coal Story-2)

The story line never got written properly ,

The stage was never set for any great show,

The narrative still got drenched in the dark shades of the feudal past,

Never ever a poem , or any prose was written on it.

Still the characters here are all bare-bones ,

No costume , no camouflage , no conundrum.

The show is just so surreal .

The man in the cab just got down being scorched skin deep in so many hours under blazing sun.

The man in the cage just looks so dazed got soaked with darkness after so many hours in distant tunnel.

And here me overground or underground keep burning with so many desires .

Desire to lighten your town,

Desire to warm your room,

Desire to run your firm.

And so I keep burning so deeper.

They tried to convert me to ash .

They tried to make me criminal.

They tried to trade me with polluted mind.

They polluted me more than I pollute their air.

Still here I am to  keep burning myself just for you,

Still here  I am  to make you smile with thousand lumens,

And I will be here with you for so many years , in your journey,

When you write your story ,

When you write your civilization,

I keep burning to lighten your every word , letter and exclamation .

I keep burning to fight with every shade of darkness on your desk.

I am the coal , the burning desire  who never resigns from your story .


Resurrection(Coal Story -1)

A coal depot of CCL surrounded by full greenery …so much symbolic to defy its castigation as the maximum polluter of the environment…..

“Here I guard my own graveyard.
Here I smell photosynthesis through those pores of carbon sediments for so many years, millions and millions…
My those painstaking years of burying are perked up in silence of big trunks.
Like the phoenix I resurrect again and again to fuel your bright smile.
Here I lie down as the fossil of myself under the shades of my own green past.
So many stories I completed reading to my grave guards , serene , sylvan and so attentive.
Welcome to the curious case of mine, who died yesterday to enliven the world of tomorrow.
Welcome to the history of coal locked behind so much sensation”


Seeding the success story of ERP ? Then fertilize it with  best training programmes.


ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning ,the much touted integration software package hardly warrants success without a lot of factors intertwined to work together and in proper synchronization .These factors  which are normally called Critical Success Factors at different phases of implementation and  are very much inter connected with each other in a dynamic way(one gets changed with others). While in beginning selection of best people as project leaders or project champions are as important as to select the right software vendor or knowledge partner as well as system integrator for successful roll out. Top management ‘s support with committed time and attention (qualitatively and quantitatively )are as important as the organized and pure and clean data while migrating to such a monolithic environment at one go or in staggered phases. Change Management just prevails at the core of any such all pervasive software suits which plays the most important role to resolve the conflict or remit the opposition which will be followed as a natural  phenomenon  with such total transforming technology. But amongst all those factors the most critical one which just spins the cobweb to sensitize every end of the PAN Organisation implementation of such integration is the designing and developing robust training infrastructure with customized delivery of knowledge bites of ERP at different layers and levels of the organization. May be it on appraisal or appreciation  by the top management , may be it is adoption and adaptation at users, process owners or module owners , may be it is  on coordination and  supervision at the level of project leaders ,  laying infrastructures  , networking , making a full scape training  or  learning layout at different phases and stages of implementation is of foremost importance. Amongst all those data, people and leadership , the people issue simply is the most predominant as the whole ERP deals more on integration of mindset rather than integration of some servers or applications where the departments , desks or the divisions will be ready to share the platform, share the information and that also in real time  for faster and better decision making. Training  in ERP is not just about acceptance of the new technology or system , it is about acclimatization with it , growing deep association with it and ultimately proper appreciation of its benefits  , tangible intangible both.   In general training must precede even conceptualization of any new initiative for first information report or first appraisal , best awareness to comprehend the investment as well as impact in its best possible views. So is in the case of ERP implementation also where training plays much more critical role considering its complexity and all pervasive effect on the industry. As it is called a big beast which keep scratching scraping  and then scrubbing every entity whether its process, project or people to get the dirt off, to shed the flab off otherwise age old obese and outdated  system to make it a smart , sleek ,svelte and sophisticated one, the preparing of mind , apatite both, honing the aptitude and attitude both all these  are very much necessary for ERP implementation.

In the organization like ours where the age old activities have been quarantined  for decades in its own territorial boundaries or departmental diktats and which never ever got tried or tested in its  new avatar being process centric the much aspired change which will set fast at the core of the design of the integration software will be surely looked as a paradigm shift supposed to be occurred  more in mind rather than the mechanism.

The business processes will be suddenly viewed as assets of the organisation . The treasure trove of these reinvented and to a great extent reengineered functional processes will be ready for  further expedition and exploitation to its full potentials . This concept of building up process vault with its automating software simply cannot come out of blue rather than very well structured , sincere organizational learning exercise to further percolate it , permeate it across the industry demanding more and more intense training of the people associated with the system.

As the complexities of the system multiplies with process configured , customized or reengineered as the case demands , the stakeholders of it like user , process owners even technical staff needs complete clarity of transition , confidence in use and the concrete rationale behind the whole transformation. So a training needs much more about whys , wheres , whosabout the business processes  not only howsof the system. While taking cognizance of the fact that ERP implementation is much more managerial and people issue rather than the technical or application architecture , the right training with right resource people equipped with both right style and substance  can only warrant better implementation. There is every chance that being in the industry for quarter a century , some ERP implementer(third party or system developer themselves) normally  goes in automode with a standardized version of the training and push it down the organization pipeline even before understanding the psyche of the company which got a huge vulnerability of repulsion and rejection by the users. So customization of training according to the level of information or technical literacy is precursor of any effective training. Just paying a lip service will certainly defeat the whole purpose of the training which is at the core of success of implementation any such complex modular software suite.

So what a training must aim for in ERP implementation ?

While introduction to acronyms or taxonomies are the foundation course  of any enterprise software training , appraisal of the underlying architecture (three tier ), the level of integration and depiction of post implemented process flow as well as system with changed impact (enhanced efficiency , faster business cycle , global visibility , deeper understanding of customers etc) are the primary motif of such intense training.


The next mission of ERP training is certainly to understand the relationship between the data, people and the application /system the main three vertices of such solution. So at every point the readiness is basic prerequisite of flagging off ERP implementation. Missing any timeline to prime or prepare the incumbent(data, people or system) will just end up in nothing a recipe of failure or disaster. The comprehension of this bondage which is any case is very much mission critical and which is only possible by well scripted training programme.


The erp system which fast becomes the digital nervous system of the whole company (with suppliers and customers aligned on common platform) needs a robust support system , which hardly be outsourced once the go live or and ultimate sign off occurs by the consultants. Whether its about the maintaining server , running application or occasional trouble shooting for users , the knowledge osmosis is just indispensible.


Training enlightens mind , it smoothens the rough edges of any machine or mechanism, system or solution. The change management which writes preamble of any enterprise system omnibus  hugely owes its vocabulary from training manual designed distinctively for different layers/stakeholders of the system . The otherwise die hard resistances deeply entrenched in any organization culture gets its first upheaval by meticulously designed , deftly delivered knowledge bites in a slow but steady inception of psyche individual as well as organizational.


“They have thrashed him like a rebel , they have humiliated him like a beggar, they have shoved him out of boundary . They are so scared of his infection !

They are so scared of his passion. They are so scared of any revolution.

They never dared to look at his eyes , they never dared to listen to his voice , they are so scared of his infection!

And he bled from his heart , he bled from his head , he bled from everywhere of his body. They dragged him on his blood trail . They are so scared of the infection !

He now bleeds outside the boundary , he now bleeds to the death , he now bleeds in his dream. He now saw the lines on the wall “welcome to world of revolution” . He now saw his warm infected blood keeps trickling everywhere. He now saw the purpose beating his heart harder.

He will now wait for resurrection. He will wait to rise again like phoenix. He is the pathogen of change , he will never die…


অন্তর্জাল (internet)

ঘোরতর   সঙ্কটে আজ আমরা সব এই  অমৃতের পুত্ররা ,
খুঁজে বেড়াই জীবনের মানে নিত্য নতুন  অন্তর্জালে .

সত্যি মুখ  ঢেকে যায়  কতগুলো মুখোশের আড়ালে
বদলে যায় শরীর , থেকে যায় সেই নোতুন অস্তিত্ব সংজ্ঞা হীন , সংখ্যাহীন,
চারিদিকে  জালের  আড়ালে কতগুলো কায়াহীন প্রাণহীন নামের উচ্ছৃঙ্খল তাণ্ডব ।

 কেউ মদ্য পায়ী দেবদাসপারুল খুঁজে বেড়ায় , কেউ বলে “লাভ ইজ ব্লাইন্ড” আবার কারুর নাম ক্যানাবীস  কালচার”
নামের আড়ালে  কোন অস্ফুট ইতিহাস বলে যায় অশরীরী বন্ধুত্বের কাছে এক অবাঞ্ছিত স্বীকারোত্তি । ।

কেউ  প্রত্যাখ্যাত , কেউ বিকৃত , আবার কেউবা নিছক  মজার ব্যাপারী ।
হাত বদল হয় মনের , মন বদল হয় শরীরের , বদলে যায়  বয়স পিছু হটে যায় সময় ,
বাসাংসী জীনা্নী ছেড়ে সত্ত্বা বাসা বাঁধে নিত্য  নতুন মায়াময় জালে,
হে অন্তর্জাল তুমি কি সত্যিই আমাদের এবার অমর করলে ?

Konrak , Arka Khetra , The Preservation of History of Sun Temple :The Angle(‘kon’) could have been much more acuter.

Every time I entered Korank Sun temple , which normally I keep in extended schedule instead of main in  detour Konark city , dance Festival or Sand Festival , the three things amuses rather than attracts me of which one is certainly the depiction of erotica in its very primitive style which just got its last flash of desire , lust  and perversion  in the ruins of temple  mostly in some hardcore posture than any artistic voyeurism. The second thing is of course the people’s enthusiasm to see all those sexual overture normally banned by family and  these days blocked also by moral police of Govt. The otherwise strict daddy with his under grown son , the usually conservative mother spending most of her life inside the four walls with her school going daughter  the nudes and their shringers or sexual postures are just the feast of the eyes for everyone of the family to visualize together. No embargo , no sanction , no censorship. But on  top of everything what enthralls me most is the way the guide exploits this stories of erotica mingled with the  history of Konark temple and its creator, how it  reigned and then got ruined. In a  bit crooked English spoken on rudimentary oriya accent , the history when got distorted and deformed and sometimes completely deviated from the context with their own cooked up version sounds so funny specially at the time the forced correlation of their own imagination in best percentage get blended with some truth with least percentage. Most of the time they keep streaming some  broken stories of erotica in their over simplified version while standing in front of painting to keep their audience hooked.  Very little coherence or consistence just exposed how less bothered they are about the treasure trove of legacies behind such sculptures  came seven hundred years ago. Instead of being the stories are their only assets for their livelihood , they never  explored it  further to get the truth, understand  the contexts  or realize the real stories behind it. Had they been passionate more which eventually surely  would have added to their professionalism also , they could have learnt the stories behind those different postures , shringers or erotica so close to incest like perversion which got exposed in their grand depiction. Alas they never have done it,  not yesterday , not today and surely even not even tomorrow(as long as the visitors to take very fast glimpse of depiction keeping this place as detour to Puri or other place not the destination).  Apart from inherited stories from nowhere they just keep improvising with their crude imagination sans any aesthetic or articulation . The stories behind the sculptures just gets buried more and more in darkness as the sun temple once got sunk inside the ruin. They are simply incapable , incompetent  as well as indifferent to  it mostly becz of their less literacy and least scholastic  aptitude  to realize how history carries the most precious knowledge to dissect it , to divulge it and then to decipher  the truth . Their incompetency is palatable as they are with least resources to invest into the legacy of  the epitome  of time reflected as sun rays over the angular positioning(konark the meaning kone-ark angular- sun rays) of the stone made wheels strategically  built. But the fact which was simply unacceptable the very selective avoidance of the same by the corporate like IOC which has taken so much drives to preserve the legacy , allegories and anecdotes of making of this huge temple  in the name of Arka Khetra. The very recently established a hugely sprawling campus cum cafeteria  with apparently very high investment just stoked the  inquisitiveness much more than the fulfillment of an insightful explanation of the legacy of the Sun temple and its long journey of myth and truth.

The brand is simply visible with its  deep pocket splurging hugely while securing all those pieces of histories scattered across the preserve of GSI, page book of ASI  , mythology   or the local inheritance. The brand undoubtedly has done a splendid job while bridging up the gap between the visitors’ defined curiosity and local (guides’)distorted explanation. What it has done was splendid job which was long overdue (otherwise the history not being preserved could have lost inside the piling up of contorted stories), but what it could have done might have been much more exemplary and torch bearing in such restoring of our heritages by big corporates specially the names which are themselves bearing with some thrilling history of genesis. IOL  is certainly one of them with almost one lakh crore annual turn over with huge bottom line. They created an excellent state of the art restoration gallery , by recreating the history of Konark temple inside . They  brought to light the otherwise chested treasure of design of thinking by then sculpture, architect, artisans  who built up the huge wonder of  temple meticulous guided by Science ,strategically glittered by Sun God historically glued to a so many anecdotes and allegories. But what could have been a far more scholastic exploration showcased in a very simple and common man’s exhibition encompassing the whole microcosm of the temple stories, just ended up in a few excellent recreation of sculptures and morals in its very much restricted edition with consciously avoiding the complete range of erotica ,the prime pattern of art with hidden story lines on the temple wall. So once again we could not connect with these arts in its full depth and breadth as we have been deprived of its contextually  once again. An beautiful auditorium also had been made occasionally screening an animation to depict the story of building up of Konark Temple which again was directed with very cavalier approach to depict some stories rather than history. Some further elaboration , more illustration and  more detailing by capturing the time could have been presented with better script , proper score and music if been made under some top director  or contracted to well established production house specially where money had never been constraint neither the best intention to create the history of Arka Khetra  the zone of sun rays illuminated by Sun God may be the only God in Hindu mythology who has been visible to us in its complete physical form  right from creation of the earth.

The huge temple with its history , artifacts and artisans , its creation and the perspective of such creation which certainly can speak the era and the evolution of a certain art and aesthetic with the psyche of its artists , who sculpted them and the dynasty who supervised them , their social and political contention or compulsion still kept merged for us in either complete illusion and some contorted illustration of the local guides.


কবিতা খুঁটে খুঁটে খাওয়ার কুঅভ্যাস আমার অনেক দিনের ।

অতীতের অন্ধকার কুলুঙ্গি হাতড়ে  ,

কখনো বিস্মৃতির  শ্যাওলা ধরা কার্নিশ বেয়ে

কতদিন যে আমার পিচ্ছিল শব্দ গুলোকে খুঁজে বের করে চিবোতে থাকি আনমনে

সঙ্গোপনে ।

দীর্ঘদিনের বুভুক্ষু শরীরে পাক দিতে থাকে ওরা কড়া পাকের নেশা ছড়িয়ে ,

দিনভর ওদের সাথে আমার খুনসুটি , হুটোপাটী, সে এক অদ্ভুত ভালবাসাবাসি ।

তারপর যখন ক্লান্তিতে চোখ বুজে আসে ,

যখন এতদিনের মরচে ধরা, ছাতা পড়া  শব্দগুলো নিয়ন্ত্রণ নেয় আমার স্নায়ুর ,

কিছু ব্যাক্ত আর কিছু অব্যাক্তর গা বেয়ে তারা উঠে আসে  সব ছন্দহীন , দিশাহীন, সম্পূর্ণ অগোছালো ,

আমি  স্বপ্ন দেখি এক সুসজ্জিত ঘরে সুবেশ সব মানুষ মানুষীরা  একেক সুস্বাদু পদ তুলে নিচ্ছে অত্যন্ত সুচারু আর সুসংবদ্ধ  ,

আর তাদেরই সুগঠিত বাক্যজাল আর সুবিন্যস্ত গদ্যময় উপস্থিতির মাঝখানে

এক  কোন অদ্ভুত  ণৈব্যক্তি তার অখ্যাত কোন এক পদ্যের ছেড়ে আসা কমা , পূর্ণচ্ছেদ  নিয়ে যেন এক যতি হীন আশ্লেষে মেতেছে ,

সাহসী , উদ্দাম অথচ নিরুচ্চার এক সোহাগে ।

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