What is your own LLM(Large Language Model) to learn the learning

Skill of Learning is more important than the Learning any Skill itself .
It follows the old adage , you want to feed the hungry or teach him to fish to feed himself.
When you really want to get enlightened you need to connect every dot you picked up while in journey with what you are destined to see in resultant canvas. The back end exposure now gets connected with front end experimentation or exploration to enjoy the crux of any full scape knowledge.
Just find out you are onboarding for a journey and you are crossing the road in very much comfort and coziness , the indulgence will simply not allow you to register the surrounding and thus end up with the half baked or should I say a piecemeal of enjoyment(which is destination) by depriving yourself for the prime part of it(ie journey).
Promotion or post inspires somebody do execution with excellence but for expansion or new exploration he or she will look towards the leaders who actually keep expediting different paths by processing all those mistakes as well as critical success factors he picked up or learnt over the years. Performance always matter but more than that which matters how your frame your whole job and what are different pretext behind it to understand where you need to improvise or improve when it goes wrong.
A good coders can excel in writing codes but an excellent coder is good at understanding philosophy behind any coding. The first one be very contemporarily skilled and the second one is skilled for present and future both.

So what are the nuances to learn the learning?
First you learn to Respect your evolution , the journey through which you got to be one of the most advanced species in the earth ie Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Second you learn to Regret your underachievement as you got most of your advancement/assets are unexplored and untapped. Your brain just works at the most suboptimal level.
Third you learn to Rear the habit of reading (add others’ ideas), writing (articulate your ideas)and conversing(assimilate with others’ ideas) with surrounding.

You just keep deconstructing, reconstructing , and thus refine every thing you are doing to roll out a full proof implantation plan for it with its entrenched risk management and feedback system. It is applicable for individual activity , corporate projects and beyond and it applies in your life at every stage.
So crux here is that you train yourself with skill of learning (so many layers are there ) and pick every lesson from your surrounding . You can find this itself is a skill on how to continuously prime an prepare yourself as best receptor or sensor while appreciating uniqueness in each and everything you come across or chance upon rather than pervert your inborn geniuses with commonness or any homogeneity .

Rampant Logging in Amazon Basin in the name of development : How human kind are volunteering to do Climate Kamikaze , Japanese style suicide by gassing themselves

The earth has never felt such bankrupt before .Logging certainly got its traction being wrongly traded off with development. The irrational exuberance about affordability of global pollution but not local underdevelopment just pushing the climate to its edge again .These days the lead to squeeze out oxygen and stuffing with waste gas in our air has been taken by nobody else but the custodian of the widest amazon rainforest narrated as global lungs , the Brazial Prez Mr Zair Bolsonaro who is just ranting and roaring everyday to cut the rainforest to clear the path to development in the vast amazon basin. While it adds to already beleaguered nation with draught ,poverty recession in local level in globally it will add another notch spike in temperature by adding 0.1 degree more to already soaring Celsius. Being the lab for photosynthesis for 40% of earth , the amazon rainforest just supply the lifeline of oxygen to the asphyxiated world with choking growth spearheaded by different statesman with different excuses at different phases. So day before yesterday it was west , yesterday it was middle east , China and today it is Latin America everybody just extracts its share of allowance to precipitate the killing PM in our already stressed lungs to get it punctured and expectancy punctuated with every passing generation. 

Surprisingly while deforestation perforates the air by 8% ozone depleting greenhouse gas amongst all other human misadventures, the aid to replenish it attracts is just 3% among all climate coffer. So defense of tree against logging is itself much weaker when countering the logic of development anyway. Until we get suffocated with pulmonary malfunction of these development logic, we simply cannot give up this path of self destruction. It is simply Climate Kamikaze in Japanese Style of gassing your own car and chamber to commit suicide and take glory in it. In fact the history of civilization got enough scope of getting obliterated once the voice of some idiots like Mr Trump to trumpet his idiocy to reverse the climate commitment of his country or Mr Bolsonaro to bluster his idiosyncrasy to destroy the respiratory balance of the world are being allowed to rant. The extreme zeal to woe the electorate and win the crown at any cost without caring how much stupid and self destructive they might be , the loud and lousy voice of these type of statesmen are now all out to gas and gag the earth with unprecedented speed. One is still hell bent to bet on to stuff I our air by gases of fossil fuel by reopening its closed mines and false sense of creating another spurt of already disabled miners’ job or employment and the other is squeezing out the residual oxygen by downing all shutters of lab of photosynthesis by wiping out greenery of amazon basis. It is nothing but we are in the race of outcompeting others to hasten the Climate Kamikaze for the earth with suicide a note on “development”. After all a tree or its green trunk is very weak to fend and fight its own case against these words development , employment, economy and such others.

Death of a colleague , Green House Gas and we are waiting for much more worse!!!!

The environmental cataclysm not any more is knocking your door, it already entered and passed your drawing room.

The impacts of global warming these days  are visible very fast and furious. We do not have to wait for the next misfortune or mishap to take place before we act upon as it is already wrecking havoc on every step and stride of our life.  Gone are those days to debate and discuss when we should act , now the time is already late and the damage already been caused and most of the time irreversible as expected. While situation had never been so emergent and alarming , so the issue is about how fast as well as how most we can do to manage the effect ie damage which is more needed than mitigate the risk of damaging(as damage already started to take over).So the time now is to understand this impact and undo all those misdeeds we kept doing till date sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly at the cost of  first your cohabitants in the great world, then your fellow nationals , next neighbor ultimately ending up to your near and dear ones . There is no escape route as you yourself closed that route by your every misdeed or misadventure. You reinforce this enclosure (of damage turned destruction trap)  by your irresponsible use of fossil fuel for your jazzy car or sprawling air conditioned bungalow, by your careless attitude to nature , its fauna and flora life by never planting a single tree or preserving a single animal in your life. You choke the exit route of such carnage by just being oblivious of your neighbor or colleague’s ruthless exploitation of the nature by his or her own means . You never debated over the trade off between the chiseling and carving the road in front of your garage with chopping off the grandfather trees and trunks bearing the storylines of the green locality with its extended family of sparrows, jungle barbers and mynas which might be the source of those inspiring  lullaby in your childhood to fall asleep on the lap of your mother. You never intended into any discussion on the great exodus from draught effected land of Bidarbha ,Maharastra  or long absence of flamingoes or great Indian bastards which till very recent past rented  its winter resort in your local lake or water body. Even you skipped the second page column of your local daily covered on the ever increasing PM percentage in your town. Yes you missed it on every count and kept living in your own illusion of leading a healthy and happy life without even knowing that every wrong action of yours and inaction against those misdeeds just boomerang to hit you harder and sooner. To repeat it will hit you , yourself harder and harsher.

Very recently our department realized it  by loosing one of our dearest colleague Sri Pratim Adhikari who passed away in the age of 57 , quite premature but always presumed. Premature because the life expectancy of the man of his status could have been easily more than eighty . Presumed because he was suffering from a incurable disease called IPD. The debate about a death could have been ended here as disease not deterioration  of environment caused his death. But with a second look we can find the different picture . As the name IPD or idiopathic pulmonary disease suggests , the cause so also its cure is always unknown but it was very much known how the whole situation , stress of the patient got aggravated due to high polluted air to live in for such patient. The 20 km road to office everyday  he used to cover by sometimes public some times private conveyance were just stuffed with dust and dirt visible and invisible (and yes more dangerous they are )to settle on his already stressed  and stiffed lungs(progressive  pulmonary stiffness  is the symptom of this disease). The history of this disease might have not allowed to reverse  or recuperate  but the breathing pure air , oxygen full inhale could have retarded the progression which could not happen. In his own count and the family’s count his death hastened fast forward part of which was surely this un called for exhaustion of journey and stayed confined in a polluted zone where our office is located. May be the comfort and coolness  could not pose immediate problem for healthy one but for the stressed and sick , the surround is never very generous. So we lost the man next to us well before than expected which has hit us really hard. And while being in more ceremonial and compliance mode rather than committed or compassionate to our surrounding flora and fauna  we are missing the finer points between those long narratives of pledge , oath and competitive catch lines. And that is how far we are serious and sincere to save ourselves who may feel sound today but very become fast sick tomorrow and succumb to al those ailment incurable , fast aggravating day after tomorrow. Saving environment is no more saving only the greater world but our closer world , the lives of our dear and near one. The causality of decay(environment) and death(life) and destruction (surrounding) has never been so faster and fully visible in front of our eyes.

The battle which was never supposed to be won :Obituary to our beloved colleague Adhikarida

Last month we lost our Adhikarida, Mr Pratim Adhikari who died of IPD or Idiopathic Pulmonary Disease , a critical lungs ailing condition which is ruthlessly irreversible ,immedicable and so incurable . You can restrict the disease or at best restrain it’s fast growth but cannot recover from it or get the patient recuperated anyway. Here the destiny was known and so the journey also and here you cannot avoid it (destiny)rather than evading it  and you can neither retract it(the journey)rather than retard it for sometimes more. And yes again here the options for somehow protracting or prolonging the journey also were very much limited but that never meant giving up  or letting it a walkover. Every malady in life  or work  deserves a good fight and must be challenged tooth and nail. So our Adhikarida also gave an intense fight to his  disease too critical and too complex  by any means. Critical as we gradually understood the whole outer look of the disease is very much pretentious although it eroded fast the life line of the patient ie body’s absorption power of oxygen. No wounds visible , no injury exposed , no ailing or suffering in any other part of the body , its all in the suffocating ,strangling and squeezing your air blower  and cut short your oxygen supply ,  the life gas for our existence , livingness. Complex in the sense as this disease  sets , spreads and sucks incognito . No root analysis , no cause finding and so no proper solution rather than just test and try , trial and error  using the  patient as a guinea pig or at best expecting some miracle. Every case of this disease as we found out gradually (and yes with the guidance of  the protagonist of the disease  our Adhikarida) was an unique case study , very much different and mostly experimental.

While we observed  the great battle from the ringside , we found more than a just colleague he was an inspiring fighter who simply took his ordeal to fight such menace underexplored and mostly inconclusively expdited  head on. Going frontal with anything and everything is a character the coal people as any veteran of Coal India love to cherish whole life. Working against the odds  while being posted in the rugged and rough terrain or pitted against rustic and ruthless forces like militant trade unions, unscrupulous suppliers and unforgiving bosses in the office simply make every one so seasoned wrongly or rightly , the guys here just take everything in their own stride , not only life but also life threatening disease and yes the deaths also. Here is the man I saw who took everything as a matter of fact , gave his effort to its best , and then bode us adieu  very coolly ,very confidently. The death of Mr. Adhikari just reminded us two very valuable traits of our  company which otherwise always boils with so many  unpleasant notes and those two are , our organization never leaves its employee untreated   or unattended when he or she falls ill and it always goes extra mile to secure and support the family of the person who suffers or succumbs to any disease whether to admit the best possible hospital or tendering the best possible treatment warranting guardian role to the kin of deceased to the extent possible. And the other is  about our CIL men in command whom I always adore no less than commandoes in their domain of work can fight with same chivalry and valor, with equal elan in their official, personal and physical distress . Our Adhikarida’s battle was very much complex and challenging. And yes he took the challenge upfront as he took so many times in his tenure in CIL. And to a great extent we have witnessed his war with his disease although he never allowed it to spill over to the open space. He fought it alone and silently. He fought it very bravely. Given the chance , he would have tamed it , managed it , manipulated it and overcome the challenge as he has done and dealt with so many assignment with coal companies. He has just executed  them so many times  and with so precision , he may be one of the very successful manager who mastered the art of deal making to get the job done anyway in his domain which extended from washery to Electrical to HEMM (we heard he used to head almost half dozen deptt in his project). He always wished had he been allowed to experiment the same style to seal a deal with the disease , the way he has settled and succeeded in field works. But yes this time the whole opponent is not only fearsome but also invisible, inaccessible and  invincible because world is yet to reconcile with the cause and care or cure  of the pulmonary  malfunction  and that also too progressive one ,called fibrosis a grossly unknown and unchartered territory  for the world of medics.

It was like a man was waiting for his last days and the organization, the medical world and the people surrounding were simply letting him to embrace helplessly. And from his part and perspective,  he tried  to keep on acting with all , at home, office, society with a pretentious wellness to camouflage the battle inside from everybody  from his close aides from his wife (as he told)everybody . This  all events of which we were the clueless spectators simply defined how he fought his own battle. It is more about redefining a disease rather than recuperating or recovering the irrecoverable as the name of the disease itself is self-explanatory that neither cause nor cure nothing about the disease is known till date. Idiopathic pulmonary disease or IPD as it is called,  an avatar which connotes the ambiguity and convey the inability to tackle this menace  which basically gets the lungs of person too stiffen and so too stressed to carry out its generic pulmonary function that is it’s contraction and expansion to allow sufficient oxygen to it. Once developed one can may try to keep his disease deferred or at distant but not decimated . In such battle zone ,the knowledge shift, the search engine, and the almighty Google just made our warrior Adhikarida more than a doctor where turf and territory  began and became more tough and so the tussle with every passing day of which we were  just passive observers.And the crux of such uneven battle where the opponent is yet to identified or assessed  so strategising the you war just impossible is like this. When the experts and experienced gave you ultimatum and doled out the destiny as inevitable ,the only option left for you is that you become your destiny , take the control , reign in it and prevail in it. Destiny normally gets explained as counting  the steps for  impending death when passively submitting to it, but it  also sometimes starts receding  or retreating once you take the control and redefine your mission or recalibrate your  lifeline. Here it is not just matter of survival but a memoir of struggle the holy  and happening struggle , you love to keep it as an instance to others while you  are passing your  last days and nearing your death. The option never been more restricted in your life when you understand the only way to escape or evade your rival is embattle it upfront.

So the man in action our Adhikarida now kept exploring everything possible in world of medicine , the disease ,the doctor , the diagnosis and the devise  to take on each and every one who or which mattered in his struggle.  While the disease (IPD) by default got a free pass to confuse and confound everybody of medical fraternity to understand its root and so its rout (elimination) or remedy, this gladiator simply tried to buckle its myth (that the rogue cannot be busted). As a patient himself he just keeps shifting his role suiting with time and task. Sometimes in the role of doctor, sometime diagnostic center, sometimes data analyser ,sometimes dietitians and many time developers of the cure and support system of the disease. He was a man in the laboratory of life , a moving experiment never ever ready to relent or  receive the fact that he was doing lesser than the development or study in this field till date. So it’s a new approach to the life and to the death. It is completely newer approach to keep you alive against all those uncertainties which have never been declared the risk ( a more technical comfort than the uncertainty the non rationale unseen)and never been dared to be cracked by the doctors or the researchers. The invincibility of it lies in the name while underlying diktat written on the wall. But here was this brave heart just vowed to give it full fight and vouched for his win over it.

As it was late enough to understand the enemy, so the battle demands intense retaliation.

Yes, any battle of life could have been started much earlier and so comparatively easier way provided we get to know who our enemy is inside us or outside of us. But in our life ,normalcy neither be defined nor be distinctly located till you are detected  to be bugged with some uncertain blues. You are walking down the aisle with your beloved ones, you are pouring down the best wine in an antique bar with the finest music of past to revisit yourself  through the memory lane or by-lanes of your past , or you just keep presenting a new initiative in your office by hooking , seeding and then signposting your dreams in the retinas of the wide eyed audience which may include your boss ,your colleague or your client and you never knew that while doing such variety of jobs in same breath you are also entering in future deal with some suffering and sorrow  with its allied pain and pricking (which may end as fatal or fearsome to the least of knowledge)through some infection (from outside)or some inflammation (from within). For this man also happened the same. While he was cultivating more his power of managing which he rightly described as mastering  the art of  operational excellence and tactical  manoeuvre you may call it sometimes manipulation (as he always described) to the extent possible in very much commensuration with the way his company normally demands ,the incurable disease called ILD started renting his lungs without his knowledge. While he was expanding his empire of power and  position to grab and grasp very nuances to run almost half dozen departments in his area of posting at one go , his lungs got just contracted and constricted to allow  to be run full throttle. When he was inflating the efficiency of him and his project he was working with by smart and fast maneuvering different deals inside , outside more in the line of informal thinking of the organization we are working in , his alveolus got deflated and so oxygen flow got restricted if not reduced. In his own confession it was a conflict between greed(of power) and grind(of performing) which grew gradually to this gruesome disease he never imagined neither was prepared to fight. But it was inevitable  as the continuous exposure to the thick cloud of finer coal dust of the  washery , CHP just created a huge churn inside the arteries and veins of the body as it does in the hopper of jig to segregate and size the coal. It was unstoppable as the power to absorb so much black particles simply was overestimated  while compared to our power to absorb all those black humors like full sarcasm and cynicism about coal. So the man who was in command over his job and jugglery of management to execute every assignment perfectly tuned to the wish of the company , could not simply judge the pulse or pulmonary malfunction inside his own body. It was so ironic as well as invincible , that Mr Adhikari simply got overwhelmed , overpowered and yes the first time ever in his life so helplessly. First time because as the storylines shared by the man simply spoke a lot about how he triumphed over or tricked over so many odds he had to face in his life sometimes by dribbling sometimes by daring  but never skirting it or shunning responsibilities. It is usual and universal for Coal people and so for Mr Adhikari. And while grown his fibrosis (the generic name of the disease) silently and got informed of its progressiveness(irreversible , incurable and yes indescribable and so idiopathic  in short) , the man in command simply got shaken at first instance but that was for sometimes to adjust and assess the uncertainty and unchartered territory he had to tread onwards. He then took the disease by its horn , consulting doctors, googling every symptoms , tracking every minutes of his pulse rate, oxygen concentration and yes continuously strategizing restrategizing the medication, habits etc.

While putting a dynamic diagnostic and treatment procedure which sometimes went overboard , the man got its grasp over the knowledge of the growth, acceleration the whole movement of the maladies but not the ways to check it , contain it. It was like you can feel your decay , deterioration and you also feel that it is inevitable , so the best thing you can do is that you can witness your journey and accordingly time with your different doable or duties before it was over. Adhikarida simply did that. He  was fighting hard and hurried in two fronts. In one side he was monitoring and whenever possible mending his life style, medication and yes the philosophy of life . In other front he was organizing everything to reinforce support system to his family in his absence. As a veteran , he just kept doing the both so coolly and confidently as if he must not have repented beyond life . Tell it his natural organization skill or affectionate being as father or husband , he simply did the both with equal elan and passed away in a very calculated style. Amazingly he was so confident about his days left in life . In fact barring the last mesh up of some over medication or alternate medication which can be hardly told  wrong one , he might have not repented anything he has done to keep fighting  the disease as gladiator .

Adhikarida is no more and we are intensely aggrieved with his demise however inevitable it was . We have to take long time to get along with the reality as we are not Adhhikarida confident and composed while living and while dying . As  every death or demise must  prove how much alive or lively we were  and so  here proved by Adhikarida not just by his a very amicable , jovial life but also a stoic , stolid death.



wrong is never right but neutrality is simply dangerous and end up as suicidal


You take right position or wrong position but never take neutral position , it is simply most damaging among all.

It is always a very curious case for this world to survive where most are creating confusion while least are boosting its confidence . But if real damage or degradation of it is caused by the third kind of people who takes neutral position everywhere. This specific cult are very much used to or completely insulated to anything or everything . They can bear the whole episode of humiliation or harassment of their colleague and still will not raise their voice in anticipation of wrath from the seniors. They just look the other way while any wrong thing happens in front of them in the road , in the train or in the shopping mall pretending to be too busy to notice. In the debate they will keep their lips tight not to slip anything politically incorrect word however factually correct they may be. They shut their mouth, close their eyes and keep moving in an animated speed along with their clones typified with same nature. They keep jostling , huddling and harnessing each others’ vices and virtues but never ever dared to peep outside their coveted  boundary fiercely guarded by their indifference and inaction . They intend to buy or bargain peace by inaction or neutrality and mostly end up being passive catalyst of the escalation of problem itself. In the bus , train, airport lounge, in the class room , market or the office floor they simply try to take the role of bystander avoiding any comments , carefully sidestepping any involvement neither containing it nor catering to it with an excuse to bargain his or her own peace. Thus this special species just let the impasse prolongs, problem persists and situation aggravates by not intervening. We never know whether a debate is right or wrong, a dissent just or unjust, a difference worth fighting for or not if we do not get involved in it. Being mere and mute spectator of it , or ignoring it today as an non issue for ourselves or just taking our hands off understanding it never fits our interest will basically allow it tomorrow to spread out or spill over to our coziness and comfort zone to unsettle the same status  and costing the same  peace and placidness  we have been guarding so obsessively or obstinately (not getting engaged in it ). Wrong side is always more right than mere neutrality as it never warrants regression rather than aggression of any wrong thing as passivity , inactivity or inertness just allow any war more encompassing .

you are defined by your leisure you engage ( beyond only enjoying) with , not by the labour you employ into…..

the show is yet to start , why not learn some stick tricks: leisure at it’s best…. through the lens of madhukari

You are not known by your labour which is the other name of the job (with it’s profile whatever) you are supposed to do or you are being paid for in your working place as there are very few scope of improvising the presumed profile although you can reengineer the process to certain extent and that also with approval of hierarchy which normally do not encourage in radicalisation apart from some incremental change .

Instead of your labor , it is the intermittent leisure, which defines you, denotes your exclusivity.

In your leisure, you got full authority to improvise, innovate and invent the way, the work , your life the narratives of them thus everything you do while using it(leisure). You can use it intelligently; you can use it insipidly also. You can simply spend it with deeper engagement in your thinking process to explore anything and everything in life, in the world or you can just splurge it putting your whole thinking in down time whether it is in your own terrace or in your favorite tourist spot. Actually any leisure is not to rest rather to reinvent and reenergize yourself for not only preparing for the best in everywhere but for the next which will be your new destination ,still unchartered still unexplored. No boundary, no confinement , no presumption. In your territory of leisure you are the sole hero and you can use every bit of it in your own term not any organizational tenets.

You must credit yourself to be happy enough…

For your happiness to whom you should be thankful to the person, place or the persepective which tender your happiness or yourself who wanted to be happy by whatever been bestowed? The question just gets more philosophical rather than personal more you go deeper of your realisation. As we understand and surely appreciate the fact that happiness gets multiplied once you be able to show your gratitude to the source(which again may be person, process , place or simply a new perspective) , the first initiation or the stimulant is your own approach to each and everything you face whether its eventful or so called nondescript ones. If you are prepared or potent enough to be happy without getting trapped with expectation or aspiration of any kind (which just brews the next cause of frustration as both follows no limit or constraints) , then no force in the world however demonic or devilish it may be just can make you unhappy. You can always  take the world in your own stride. Yes chance is there that the provocation, misinterpretation and ultimately force-feeding you with lots of negativity at least or uttering fatalist philosophy at best to accommodate them(all those so called misfortune or failure) as your predestined and predefined fate accompli , but again you and nobody else should be credited with how  the last time you took it so spirited and sportingly and just impressed upon the event rather than getting suppressed by it. Thus you can exploit every happening with or around you however unwarranted or undesired for you to your advantage to enjoy the takeaway to help you and other to be happy enough. My be this way you can be a direct contributor to the gross national happiness of our nation the most modern measure of development of any country.

define your problem and the solution will follow automatically

How you differentiate in two managers a naïve and a seasoned one? While facing any problem the naïve will try to find the instant solution putting into his or her all resources like time, energy ,talent in action while the seasoned one will just try to reframe the problem knowing very well that redefining or rightly defining any problem itself possess its follow up solution.

Let the life tutor you about the changing priroity

Life is a tutorial of priorities. You must understand what you want to do and what you must do and you also should appreciate the fact that same  understanding just keeps on changing over the time. Not necessarily you will succeed all the time but surely a comprehension is expected with the maturity. There is every possibility that the organizational priority, the family priority or the social priority keep on intervening or intersecting your path of individual priority which appears to be mutual inclusive with others. The wisdom is in how you churn the chaff from the wheat and you be able to keep delineating the distraction unwarranted or the desruption undsired at the different phases of journey you have chosen. And nobody knows better than you the whole journey and its mode are nonlinear in nature so expectation to enjoy a hassle free liner equation in life like y=mx+c is just an illusion , a foolish imagination attached with its allied share of frustration which we must shun to enjoy the spirit of living full throttle.

The big curtain in front of you is being just lifted up and you never cared while been seen napping in the theatre …..

It is very amazing to appreciate the world we live in have infinite number of varieties and unrestricted vastness which are simply extending and expanding unrelentingly. And every variety is again combination of the n number of events got processed in so many conditions applied and so many assumptions taken. So just read the ripple on the face of a cobbler on the roadside , it speaks so many stories untold , so many facts to be opened up, just single redemption will fill your sac full of surprises. The treasure trove a single roadside cobbler gathers in his tenure will surpass the great novelist ‘s whole life’s asset of scriptures written and may be awaiting to be written. And you just imagine how you are passing the man(the street cobbler) very casually while gluing your eyes on the some good novel or getting you ear to some weighed conversation on some good literature. Now if you just put the perspective unwinding in the background of the cobbler sitting by the roadside , the back ground score of noise or the passing dialogues (of which one voice may be yours) , the color of sunshine shaping his shadow , or the script of his version picked up from his associates while he is speaking with his customer all just will create the next nominee for the co actor for the Oscar or the Golden Globe award of the year.

And yes we are missing so many moving cinemas getting screened in front of our eyes where you are also in some role inevitably whether you like it or lump it. A background score maker , a scriptwriter ,a cinematographer an editor ,an actor or mere a spectator whatever name it may be given you are always there as passive or active participant which you simply cannot avoid. The nicety of life is how you really embrace this role with full mindfulness rather than missing the pieces due to multitasking hollowness(and so too busy apparent to miss your surrounding).

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