You are not what you try to be but what we think you are

Most of the time we are in illusion of projecting ourselves as what we think are what we are.There may be nothing more wrong than this perception. Actually we are not what we think rather what others thinks we are. Let’s extend the same logic to other entities also like institution, organization etc .Everything is basically the accumulation or graphic consolidation of the reflection of the surrounding around it. It is like all those mirror images of your being get reflected on others which make you move , speak or think anything.So the natural corollary is if you really desire to grow yourself as the best , you better read yourself fast in others’ eyes and refurbish it accordingly.Problem really gets critical when the mirrors surrounding you (or any entity per se)got distorted or damaged enough to cast the true picture of yours and convert yourself to a hallucinating idiot (or for say if the institute or org concerned)who always wanted to listen what itself does not believe at all.

These sycophants or pseudo critics will never say the truth either in fear or in wrong intent to harm your cause. So here reflection of yours on others may not warrant your true image as the focal length(the gulf between you and they) , or the upper curves(concavity or convexity of these people who scans you) inner core( the honesty of their intention towards you) all these may be highly corrupted or constrained by biasness which may go along with you or against you both of are distorted you not the real one.


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