infiltrate inside the conventional like Sachin , the consultant undercover and burst the resistance…….

SAP is a deep state (inside state ). It always mutates  towards a whole new state. The best part of the implementation is to infiltrate inside the reigning organisation so that change just gets deep into the veins and arteries of the organisation.

The example never been so obvious. In management we always defines strategy which never stays strict or stringent rather keeps snaking across the rough terrain of uncertainty with its natural fluidity .You simply cannot execute anything (specially new age initiatives) with any prejudice or preoccupation of your mind.So winner is he or she who can cope up with its continuous change according to the surrounding. And the example of such cruising through rough water may be coming of anywhere , not necessarily from your own cahoots or cohorts but also from outside also. What we need that to keep our eyes and ear open not to miss any such signals erupting from process ,people  who owns or does it or places where the events are occurring. 

Amongst the lot of naive or novice consultants CIL has been bestowed with while implementing Project Passion Sachin is one who has equal level of commitment and candidness in his work and thought process and also a little top up of clumsiness in articulation which in fact made him more interesting anyway.Now while being in the same lazie faire and laggard bunch of colleagues , he developed very interesting panache to get inside the mind of the people by his intense engagement as well as innocuous candidness. The process he developed to drill down the apparently rigid mindset of coal people is surely strange enough and deserve special attention of any high class sleuths to know a few tricks on how to infiltrate into the enemy camp. Sachin does his job very subtlety and surreptitiously. In fact he starts his ordeal in a very informal and innocuous manner. And while in his journey he never misses his destination , he keeps improvising his mode as required. Sachin indoctrinated our people with SAP style of working , he instils the new environment, introduces the wonderful world of enterprise solution to his clients(CIL people of MM cadre) in such a surrogated version of conversations with its undercurrent of transformation that the guy on the other side , so called audience of CIL MM managers just got changed without their knowledge. While trying to find the secret behind his style of intrusion in mainland of resistance of change in our company , I discovered he approaches the officer on the table in its most recess or leisure period , starts conversation mainly on his apparent curiosity and inquisitiveness about different aspects of process our people followed while procuring spares, pursuing contracts or penalising defaulters. While our MM managers starts obliging with their explanation what they do and why they do , Sachin simply in incepts their minds  , invade them and then slowly but steadily instil the redefined processes embedded in enterprise solution with its underlying strength of tight integration across the stakeholder functions , seamless  communication between them and then with huge global visibility doze where every information saves their extra cost of stock plus or forgone revenue or return on stock out. If the former saves the company to reduce the inventory cost the later retain the customer from returning empty handed thus reducing the down time or idle time to a great extent. 

In the yet to kick off full fledged organisation change management which could have been precursor of SAP implementation in our company had it been implemented long before we initiated our implementation process the whole approach of Sachin to orchestrate change was just eye opening  for all of us. The whole episode when got validated by many of our WCL MM colleagues, the so called Sachin’s audience who after talking to him got enough impressed with new tools on the block just made us felt that change cannot be managed rather needs to be mingled into our faculty of thought process in such a way , which will make us awaken to the new vistas and enlighten with its new possibilities and potentials.The need for such change should come from the minds who themselves will define the way they want this change should be and while articulating this in their way they can easily associate to the solution on the offer . What a consultant does is to facilitate all this processes in a very smooth and subtle manner where the client never feels the newer dimension being imposed on him rather he invoked from his own thought process. The ownership of such change is tremendous and the engagement are simply so intense. Its like a RAW agent just gets melted into the enemy bastion , starts dwelling in the grey cells of its bearer cells, mutate the cells thus creates a new tissue or organ. 

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