আজকের ঋত্বিক

তোমার নাম যখনই উঠেছে তখনি শুরু হয়েছে এক তীব্র দহন,

জ্বলে পুড়ে খাক হয়ে যাচ্ছে শহর প্রাসাদ আর রাজতন্ত্র

অসম্ভব স্পর্ধা নিয়ে এই আমি এক ছাপোষা শরীরে উচ্চতা বাড়িয়েছি

আরও এক হাত।

আমার ঠোট কালো ,শুকনো আর ফেটে যাচ্ছে অহরহ,

এবার যদিও ঠাণ্ডা তেমন পড়েনি ।

আমার চোখ এখন আরও ধারাল ,চিবুক শক্ত , চুল আরও উসকো খুসকো

না আমি এখনো মশাল জ্বালিনি ।

যকৃত পাকস্থলীতে আছড়ে পড়ছে কম পয়সার কটু মদ,

কে যেন তাতে বিষ মিশিয়েছে,

পৃথিবীতে দুঃখী মানুষের সংখ্যা কমানর জন্যে।

ওরা কেউই জানলনা যে

আমি কিন্তু আজ নীলকণ্ঠ হয়েছি ।

Good bye Solid, static state of activities in Silos: Welcome to Workflow.  CIL is getting drenched with fluidity of processes.


The science of management has never been so triumphant over the art of managing. Suddenly the Coal India in its 44 years of existence started getting the warmth of cohabitation and collaboration  of hundreds of processes this industry has been dealing with or even exceling in just started feeling a huge level of solidarity  and get togetherness an close knit relationship , an extended  family with  deep bond gluing all members together. The HR, The Marketing, the Production , the Planning , the Finance all the process members just  started feeling a strong pull ,  an community connect between themselves . Some were well organized and got its patting on back , some lacked coherence or consistence some again just never congruent with the definition Champy & Hammer once espoused 25(incidentally the same year ERP name coined by Gartner to enable these process flow) years back. Those all and others who are till the other day were so indulgent to feel self centred , self aggrandizing and self glorifying are suddenly feeling urgency of communicating in-between , conniving together and , cocreating the best possible outcome . It is the emancipation of process from its claustrophobic  self obsession of compartmentalization . It is long awaited release from its quarantined , cocooned , cloistered life inside the four walls of the departmental activities which just  keeps growing along  with the organization while never falling short of its  share of narcissism nor  ever ready to  reconcile with other departments instead of  the fact that all of them are supposed to tread with same mission , same vision , same goals set forth by the organization at its early years of foundation .  Till date the infighting between any two departments were quite intense which sometimes snowballed to the  level of face off. Till today the only way out in extreme of divergence  or dithering on the issue across the departments is to put them under ages of one  Sr management (at director  level)  who may pull them together  by his or her post or power most of which  sometimes yields nothing apart from reluctant obligation of warring departments . Till the other date the marketing  deptt was never ready to buy in the production people’s logic of seasonality or slump in production due to sudden hazards or  hurdles very much natural to mining under the earth  arguably toughest profession in the world . The HR people always were in their automode to decide and derive any rule to be followed by just giving least heed to the account department ‘s capacity or constraints. The material department was simply obsessed with their custody of materials affording full indulgence in their  own style of rationing and rationalizing the issue or indenture of materials without even caring to be in sync with production scheduling or machine maintenance. And yes with so much disintegrated thoughts or non communication , organization  have been surviving like anything and testing some success although at sub optimal level. Thanks monopoly , this suboptimal level performance yielded no  less return with huge price leverage. And this monopoly dividends just created another complacent , condescending environment which could easily defy and deny any logic of market design which believes in developing  competence and competiveness. So being complete devoid of such rationality , the  vicious loop created with these process owners  or the process users just let them  be allowed to be more disintegrated and disoriented anyway. A downward spiral appeared to become too tough to  be stopped over the years of operating in such protected and so distorted market design.

Not any more. The suddenly reinvented processes seasoned (rightly or wrongly) over the years just bridged the gap amongst the departments , across the departments  and inside the departments being the linchpin of communication and connection. A process concept is itself a fluid one which never allows any single activity to be left in the lurch. It symbolize the flow or conduit of activities sequencing them , synchronizing them , standardizing them ultimately setting them free from people centric  or place centric performance  where process once captured  and contoured in right way will always deliver the same at any condition. Individual style or say of department has no place in its workflow which gets refined and refurbished depending on the customer’s or consumer’s (of the output of that process) demand. In other ways here the process descends on our company to bid adieu to all those islands of works or


So the jobs across the discipline or desks suddenly got huge momentum to get redefined , rechristened in the new taxonomy . The production planning , project monitoring , E-auction or recruitment just moves beyond its four walls of departments of origin and  started touching upon the others’ fiefdom as well. As the system integrator started to take the stock of the process inventories and its existing design (the work flow, flow chart, schematic diagram ) the truths are being further revealed. There were more blurred areas  than the bold ones , there were so many disconnect and so many inconsistence all of which made the whole process enough vulnerable to be exploited by human intervention .Simply enabling these activities with IT will not rout rather reinforce the incoherence or incongruence already spread their tentacles all over the years. So it was the time to capture the As-Is , means business as usual(read Process as usual or in existence flow and features) . To decipher any process in its constituent activities  has never been less challenging and so less  exciting. Challenging because every process  must have its  chained lines of the activities which are rarely present in our company and where there are so many missing links in between  thus creating so many fissures  and fertile ground for manipulation or meddling by any unscrupulous process stakeholders which unfortunately includes a section of our management also. Exciting because the first time ever the organization is now getting the scope to decipher it , dissect it, design it and if needed redesign it which is called Business process reengineering in the enterprise language. The variance , the expectation the gap analysis and the delta analysis  before final blue printing all which come in  the taxonomy of SAP implementation , suddenly started working as the oracle of business process catharsis  of CIL. And whole litany of the force got intoxicated with fluidity of the processes.



Desire to implement ERP successfully? Appreciate the Continuum of it rather than its Conclusiveness

Success word is one of the most ill defined word in the lexicon of our work place , our life and of the world we live in. Most of the time it simply gets camouflaged  or cocooned inside the veil of relativity  rather than absoluteness as with different perspectives, the parameters of success get changed its meaning or corrected its course . In fact with the moving timeline also the same parameters get further refined or redefined  so also the word success  shifts its explanation. It is not so surprising while taking any new drive or starting new project , implementing new scheme or working on any new solution , steering forth a new initiative  or settling down a new deal,  the bigger tranche of study ,survey and scholastic exploration simply dedicated to capture the timeline as well as trueness of success achieved as set forth at the beginning of the activity. Very far reached tangibility, or elusive measure as correlation between investment and impact have never been direct enough just put the entity claimed to be successful one(may be project or person whoever) always in dilemma to declare when it can raise the toast for its  achievement as success.

Nothing is more truer when it goes for the implementation of modular software packages called ERP in any organization. In an Enterprise Solution (which includes all the extended family of ERP like SCM, CRM, Sales automation and so on)market highly consolidated rather than fragmented where SAP, Oracle, Sage, Infor or MS rules the maximum roast, the most  sought after word if any by the clients are when they can call it success while implementing it. Just googling the success rate of ERP will bring forth more harrowing stories rather than helpful ones which may be enough to upset any organization to further contemplate to stich and smoothen its process by any such packaged suite of solution most of which(the stories or allegories) are always half truth because whether you celebrate it as your achievement or  condemn it as failure  all these narratives depend on how you conceive it at first instance , contour it at the beginning of its journey.

Defining an objective framework for any such all pervasive solution which scratches at every nook and cranny inside the organization once unleashed has always been seen to be the first critical factor or determinant of future success of such complex software. These objective may vary from highly tangible and short term or operational one like  faster cash cycle or business cycle  to intangible  and long term or organisational ones like empowerment  etc which may be summed  as follows:

  1. Operational:cost reduction/cycle time reduction/productivity- efficiency improvement/quality improvement /responsiveness improvement/ Supply chain frontiers improvement
  2. Managerial: Better resources or optimal utilisation/ sustainable/ improved decision making/performance improvement
  3. Strategic: support for business growth/business alliance/business innovation/cost leadership/product differentiation/customer focuses, networking etc.
  4. IT infrastructure(Building business flexibility for current and future change/IT cost reduction/Increased IT infra capability
  5. Organisation benefit; Changing work pattern/org learning/ KM/empowerment/sharing and sticking to common goals)mission vision and strategy.

And all these objectives whether defined by tangible or intangible parameters or else by time lines (long term , short term or intermediaries) are the result of running the best business processes as professed by the developer with real time data delivery on a monolithic system architecture.

Indisputably these all are transforming parameters (rather than just automating as normally known ERP as) of any organization to make it a smart , sleek new age company  has to face inevitable collision with anachronism prevailing in the company till the other day. All these refined, renewed or newbie processes will go under the constant scrutiny and scanning of the employees who had been invested in their old , conventional ones for so long and that’s also to their satisfaction so far. While the system world got hugely invested in  to know what actually any user, the end customer of such complex solution wants , the first break through came from Mcleane Delone in their scholastic article to articulate what an user desires from  new system. The mostly cited paper so far on success measurement  so far  in any system research.  The duo authors  in fact reoriented their most discussed  findings on success measures in another decade  to squarely focus on individual impact and organisational impact  of IS system  in general which surely  includes the entry of e-commerce  or ES at the later stage of information revolution. The framework of these measures very aptly fit with the broad definition of success which trifurcate well accepted perception about success of ERP as

  1. How satisfied the user is . The basic idea of success is always about the satisfaction of user who are supposed to get over to new environment from the conventional one. It should certainly help him or her to work with more ease , further functionality , more reliability , flexibility of system , portability , integration and importance of it as well as data quality. The attribute is called in breadth System Quality


  1. Once convinced about the system quality , the System-Use the next attribute of success would be followed naturally with the frequency , time , dependency , pattern of use of the system by user .


  1. Information qualityplays another role to declare whether the implementation is successful or not. While switching over from legacy or silo system to integrated or modular one , the data plays the major role to create enthusiasism or excitement. Pure , pristine data  when processed creates hugely valuable information helping to take the faster decision . So the  accuracy , timeliness, completeness , consistency and integrity  of data is what an user gets assured of while shifting to new system. This quality data actually decides the quality of decision again.


  1. In such a new environment the best incentives to attract the users are always derived from efficient and effective knowledge transfer or more precisely knowledge osmosis between the SI or Software Developer with the client organization. So Service Qualityof these complimentor as normally the System Integrator or solution providers called is another index of success .The empathy, the assurance , the competency to transfer knowledge  all these are the most desired from the service providers for the users to feel content with the new environment.

So the “net benefits” comprising of all the above ultimately lead to user satisfaction which may warrant the success the organization set forth because of achievement of predefined benefits , tangible and intangible both.

In the other case success may be attributed to the implementation of the whole system as desired (with integration, control ,tables and reports ) by simply automating  the process where the integrator gets signed off showing how the packaged software enabled the system  not showing how effective or efficient  it has been benchmarking with the best in the industry. Success here is defined by the project time lines  not the  performance metrics (normally in state run organization which are bound by norm and obsessed by nature  most of the time with the cost of any project rather than the benefits from it)

While declaring the success of the integrated software like ERP , we must not  forget that this type of implemenation has been always an irreversible journey. Once switched over from the legacy to this monolithic , single data defined  technically three tier environment , it will be disastrous if we leave in between or stop at the middle as  any retraction ,retreat or reversal from such project where huge amount of resources  like time , money  etc invested will  surely dent deep in the financial health of the organization. And once the stability or robustness of the software are unsettled because of the reluctant implementation or half baked integration, the whole decision support system of the company will collapse or get a huge jolt creating a sense of entrapment in the industry from which recovery or reverting back to past process or system will be a tremendous challenge. As we know the half information or fractured knowledge does more harm than help, so once abandoned  in the midst where information won’t be federated with centralized control and coordination  the same solution  which promised the moon will just end up in creating a huge crater in the industry from which the recovery will be just next to impossible. Whether the failure comes in objectives unfulfilled , project (and so cost)over run , or just unaccepted by the users (due to organization or cultural misfit ) , it ultimately cost the company very high  specially when a transformative change have already set in and the company is at the cross road to get over to a completely different environment. Unlike normal information technology of any stand alone software or net working solution ,which gets built up from the scratch , the shared software like ERP just impound its knowledge from its deep and wide process-ware and system-ware in existing environment by further configuring them , customizing them and if needed changing them totally which by default is unidirectional in nature creating very fast the point of no return.

And finally we must appreciate any organization keeps running on so many new initiatives, schemes and strategies  of which ERP is one of them  which basically works on management of data transfer , data processing and decision making with equal human intervention. Now espousing  or evaluating a direct correlation between the investment and impact of a particular solution  in the form of rate of return, net profit after tax or any  increase in turnover or any such change in all those  efficiency indexes is quite difficult when captured all the activities in an interdependent and dynamic state. Studying any of them in regard of success in a mutually exclusive way is susceptible to lots of error and misinterpretation at any point of time. So continuous vigil as well as valuable time of the top management , close monitoring by project team backed with with change management plan along with seamless knowledge transfer from SI  must ensure the strategizing , restrategizing , course correction whenever required not to allow any ERP project to be converted to another money sucking black hole in any organization .  The org. transformative traits  of this type of project demands containing the failure at any cost rather than claiming success which normally keep elusive for long.

The Durgapuja in Kolkata : where the extravaganza has no limits.

Magnum Opus of Dokra in Mudiyali

Call it  extreme excitement  or call it euphoriaor call it exhilaration , exultation  , ecstasy , any noun , adjective or adverb will simply feel inferior  to capture the  extravaganza called Durgapuja in Kolkata. Its huge , humungous and simply  maddening . In fact Bengali annual calendar although starts with summer ie Baisakh , virtually get divided with the time line pre Puja and post puja .Sometimes I am at my wits end to understand  where in the Bengali Durgapuja dwells in , in heart or  head ? or in both ? While risking the pandal hopping for consecutive two days , this question  now repeatedly arises  in me how Bengali specially the Kolkatan clan should be described as . Every pandal we moved appeared to outsmart the other with everything  a decoration or lighting stands for , the skill , the details, the creativity , the pomp , the  grandeur , the resplendence  everything . If some pandal tried to go to the extreme of abstracts like capturing the time or retrieving the history , some simply worked  some wonders , unimaginable artifacts  of dokra, sola or cane .  The concept , the planning and the execution have appeared to cross all bars of excellence. While in Naktala it was all about some ultra modern experiment with theme to recreate the time dimension in space  which just got enough  to confuse rather than to conform to any brief history of time , the narrative in Bengali voice being recited in the pandal was quite captivating .And yes when the theme is ultramodern and tries move beyond the time it will certainly attract one kind of viewers or reviewers(you may call them journo)  who loves to think themselves very global who appear to  be obsessed more with science  rather than art. Unfortunately the whole theme-puja concept is of more about arts and art where the recent revival of dokra or lost art of potchitra are being articulated with the precision which  is unthinkable  sometimes beyond the human imagination. So while we started with confusion at Naktala Udayan ‘s theme of  capturing the time we ended huge contentment with Mudiyali showcasing the magnificent skill of dokra  outside  pandal inside pandal and all over the decoration .In fact the elaboration  and exhibition of different motif and mural were enough to mesmerize , captivate and enthrall anybody and everybody. In the mean time we saw some of the other themes also  specially reflecting the present where human being just put inside the reverse evolution  and getting back to their sapiens stage , thanks the intolerance , violence , wilderness , ruthlessness and a complete phase of inconsistency , incongruence and incoherence . Whether the inflection point is the extreme atrocity on woman , exploitation of weak and underprivileged , trampling over the  basic sense of living being where being human is an extinct feature we are surely in reverse track to get back where we started and yes Badamtala captured the theme  so ruthlessly , it will strike  on the sense of viewers instantly . It was so raw yet so real. A cage , , a roaring lion  with its all jingoism and wilderness and not inside but outside the cage , an woman at her most extreme  assault and the clock has been reversed we are simply scaling back to  cross back all those eras of caveman ,apes, superapes. Suruchi Sangha always tries to give the earthy touch , the rural fervor on what it does . In fact the village , its art  of living and it’s a cohabitation with everything natural and from the nature is not only so soothing to the urban anxious and agonized eyes but also showing the exit route of so much self destructive , self engulfing hype and halla development. This year this club showcased the magnum opus of terracotta art. The excitement was genuine as the structure was huge elaborating terracotta art of elephant and horse and so others in its unique way as the century old legacy -art is  being nurtured in some hinterlands in Bankura. It is simply enthralling to imagine how any artist could have imagined the whole creation in such a large level . But more than that the better question which always knocks me is that where does these all wonders go after the puja is over ?

Jodhpur Park has always been the arch rival Suruchi. And to see the skill and creativity of both somehow gives you the taste of Derby in your town. Unfortunately , we missed the  Puja Pandal Derby of South Kolkata this time as my platoon already got tired of so many grandeurs in such a little time , may be a couple of hours. While everybody of us admitted this show off of the extreme of skill which certainly took more than half dozen months to get it in shape and size of this level  deserves at least a few hours of composure and keenness of observation to enjoy and explore. Hopping and huffing with counts (how many pandal we finished) has never been a right way for coming close to feel the flavor of them. Anyway we needed some break of such grand exhibition certainly stimulating our grey cells and provoking so many thoughts at a time with such rapid rounds , which needed to be contemplated and we entered a sun shine lit morning pond side garden called Rabindra Sarobar.  The time was never so apt  to take an immediate plunge inside the greenery soaked in morning mist as well as experience still fresh with unbelievable human art. While the morning mist which still veiled the whole park  with its gradual allowance of golden rays to shower its different moist corners making itself a top mystery to wonder how it can do this inside the heart of a city much infamous for its level of pollution , equal mysterious was the human capability to think how anybody individually of collectively could work to such a precision and profusion. In any benchmark both goes beyond six sigma level , to its highest of its excellence and to the lowest(tends to nil) of its error factor.

Implementing ERP? Prepare the narratives(about knowhow and know-why  or know-when) at every level of implementation. The ‘Change Management’ is at the core not on the crust of ERP projec


Habits die hard , the adage not only goes with stubborn or the superstitious . It is equally true for the rational and the reasoned mind also. The example are in galore why every new initiative  however scientific or effective it may be first  poses the immediate threat to anybody however unreal or imaginative they might be. By instinct we see anything which does not conform to our age old practice although tried and tested (and yes successfully also) with critical and many a times cynical views . And here comes the necessity of narratives , the right narratives with its distinct and defined target groups which may be process owners , users or even the project champions.  So while creating narratives the focus areas may be as following :


(1)It must pinpoint the benefits, the advantages in an unequivocal language. There must not be any hushed tone or hidden agenda  and whatever is expected or already experimented by so many  past implementors must be made loud and clear . If needed their evidence passive or active ,  immediate or future must be fed in information throughput of the organization to reach different layers and levels.

In the corporate snobbery against the IT to look at it as less strategic and more supportive , it is always  the case of everybody to ask for moon from any software or service which must be rightly tackled right at its beginning. While the general perception about IT to be a wonder tool or magic wand , it is very crucial for the ERP project team to tame this unbridled imagination and aptly manage  the unrealistic expectation . Otherwise the whole project will backfire or boomerang with deep frustration (mostly not getting inferred and that also immediate result) fast setting in the organizational psyche drawing flaks from the general users with the looming radar of vigilance and surveillance agencies to transform the whole project a very live source of scam. So buy-in at every level with rational expectation from the software suite is very much needed. The best proposition is always to bifurcate between the low hanging fruits ie immediate  and visible benefits and some long term or protracted change with a transformative continuum not immediately observed but immensely felt or convincing  for every stakeholder in the industry.


(2)After ‘know- why’  permeates across the veins and arteries of the organization  the next explanation  is about the knowhow ,  a full scape description of the this integrated solution on how it works  articulated in a convincing and crystal clear way with simplest language sans any jargons or business terminology too hard to be understood by the user , module owners , process owners etc. It is all about how the system works , specially process modeling or mapping or its reengineering  and its automation with decision making capacity demystified  and deciphered in the simplest way. The conflict will be obvious as  here the process owners’ possessiveness about their age old tested and tried working style will not easily go way. While they had been used to their practice or the job profile  so long , sudden radicalization  of it , or impounding knowledge in it from outside  however better they may be ,will not settle comfortably with these veteran employees. A strategic fit along with organization fit of the incumbent system and their  legacy process or their reengineered version  has to be  not only created for their conviction but also well choreographed to get them rolled in seamlessly without any major glitches. While for the top management cultivation of effective business proposal for the system implementation is important , for the lower level employees the conforming  to ease of using system, its quality, impact on individual and organization and ultimately quality of information is of utmost importance.


(3)The next factor followed after right appraisal  of know- why and knowhow is  who will be your change agents to orchestrate this transformation. Here need to locate the influential group or the effective power nodes in the organization which not necessarily follow the formal hierarchy. Depending on the defined scope and workflow design  or process mapping the whole exercise may be radical with wholesome change in every job or work profile spreading across the full span of enterprise with a big  bang approach or it may be incremental , restricted to some pockets or units with phased progress. Normally any organization goes for the middle approach ie hybrid one which means first implementing in some lead units or areas with limited modules and then scale up to the bigger areas and more modules leveraging the experiences it gains specially managing the ensuing conflict the new work environment will inevitably brings with it. The influencer group , opinion makers or the effective power fulcrums(which may not necessarily follow the formal power structure) in the industry come here very handy to push the project forward and smoothen  the rough edges of the technology which normally creates those friction points. Normally in any industry this group does not have the colors of post , position , cadre of the employees  neither they need to be restricted to the boundary of the organization(in fact opinion leaders may be outside the company also) . They may be any stakeholder who not only supports but also  are passionately ready to promote the application packages across the department, desks or divisions. Because of their strong clout inside  the industry , they may create a compulsive as well as impulsive urge amongst user levels which can easily negotiate with any upcoming conflict or challenges.


(4) Any organization along with its concerned industry while passing through different phases of its journey or evolution creates lots of histories , collects lots of allegories which must be saved and stashed in its knowledge bank as its learning bites  or legacies. These all lessons from the past experimentations whether they triumphed or tanked or simply keep treading for long without any meaningful yield must be treated as treasure trove which can be redeemed  in the later years  of taking any new initiative in the organization. Leveraging the learning from both past successes or failures are always best knowledge resources for the next big ticket reforms in the company irrespective the  domain of experimentation (IT, Operation, Marketing or HR etc ). The scale and scope of implementation is much more important than the specific genre or field of project. Specially in the company like ours  with so much diversity and difference in style of functioning spread and scattered across huge geographical as well as demographical dispersion we must not put our experiences to be quarantined inside its parent department rather reuse and retrofit whenever necessary in the other field of application also. Whether it is of PAN organization implementation of personnel management system (like PRIDE)or risk assessment plans in hundreds of units or establishment we are working with (as in SIMTARS), the basic tasks and  its associated tenets of tackling the initial resistance or managing the expectation and so the aspiration (or in some cases frustration)are all the same. Documenting the  today’s experience to decipher and decode tomorrow’s experimental glitches needs cultural  attestation by the top management . It always helps to smoothen the change management process .




(5) The change management is not any informal or casual manifestation of any project. Specially implementing a transformative project like ERP , change management is itself a big  project in its own which must be conceived , executed , monitored thus controlled and coordinated in continuous basis. The best integration of the milestones or the deliverable of this project “ change management”  with the organization milestones will be only passible if the whole exercise is drilled down to its different doable at different levels and layers in the organization then incorporated in the executive evaluation report of performance score card with the moving targets (as changed with phase of implementation of ERP)assigned to the individuals involved in it.


(6) The last but not least as we must appreciate change management in not any mere managerial job of coordination and much more than that , it must be treated as precursor or precondition of ERP implementation. Once the proper perspective could be established about the implementation then only we must promulgate the technical or managerial roll out of application-packaged-software in that particular process , people or place. Any effort in reverse (ie first roll out and then impose it ) may boomerang and backfire which is not warranted at all. So know-when or timing  ie trigger point is very much important and that also in the precision of surgical operation to get one of the most expensive roll out of  project like ERP .


On the whole we must treat the change management of any big ticket reform(and so the ERP) with its complete embodiment of another management project a visible , tangible full scale implementation which is not any second fiddle but dwell at the core of ERP roll out. And for this  adaptation best knowhow must be preceded by convincing  know-why and precise know- when with its detailed and distinct narratives put in with proper  context befitting with every stage of implementation..


The new era began ,CIL and Tech Mahindra signed the contract of implementing ERP in CIL.

Coal India suddenly came to another point of inflection . The company which started its journey with thousands of splintered mines clubbed and clustered together by coal nationalization act 1973-74 to fuel the growth engine of the nation , redefining its energy policy  for self sufficiency ,to fast recover from the OPEC  sponsored oil shock gripping the whole world,  now crossed a long way to put almost every feather attached to its crown any big organization will feel jealous of. The fact and figures this company generated  in its existence nearing half century are not only huge but also humongous in its every parameter. The biggest single coal company in the world, almost debt free organization , one of the greatest employer in India with approximately 3 lakh employees working like warriors to win coal against all adversity under ground and over ground in almost four hundred mines spreading over eight states and nine subsidiaries (one with its tentacles expanded beyond India) sometimes topped in terms of market capitalization (in 2011) this company at its highest horizon sells more than one and quarter lakh as its turnover and created its bottom line of crossing 15000 crore as profit after tax not least to say it pay annual exchequer ,dividend  etc with an consolidated amount of whopping amount of half a lakh Crore to GoI.

With such an outset ,the narrative of the SAP , the generic name with ERP across the world was never an overstatement  when its India representative  showed how much felt proud as well privileged to be partner of an PSU of such big size for the first time. For them to enable CIL  to integrate , informate and tranformate it  by  its packaged suite of  enterprise solutions was itself a huge honor rather than just a service . And for CIL it has been long overdue.  The company as articulated by the chairman just overgrown itself through its hugely dedicated , committed workforce working at the frontiers of coal fields like those gladiators braving every odds it  got by inheritance as well as intrinsic  in coal mining by default. Be it semiliterate or illiterate workforce , the rugged terrain and rough surrounding loaded with innumerable working hazards of water logging , fire , gas and coal dust , roof fall , miners job has always been one of most hazardous job in the world since beginning.  Specially coalmines are extra loaded with its more vulnerabilities of fire , inundation , explosion , etc which just kept our miners no less than at the commandos’  state of mind ,always alert, attentive yet   assertive . That workforce sans any so called critical IT support , could have crossed the journey from 79 MT to  nearing 600MT in the last four and half decades itself is  no less self fulfilling. And today when the nation just looking for much more , 1 Billon Tn target to get its every turbines  to be run to propel its high  voltage growth, to illuminate every corner of the most hinterland o of the country ,the time was never more appropriate to go with ERP to stitch and smooth every business process with the seamless communication between them  for real time delivery  of  report and resolution  to run the company at its optimum potential  ie maximizing customer care, minimizing cost , fastest cash cycle and so on. So when senior management of Tech Mahindra,  the chosen System Integrator  for  implementation of SAP pan CIL talked about his company’s immense pleasure and passion to be designate  enabler , facilitator of CIL ‘s  forthcoming journey to help it to double its production and productivity both as part of nation of building the narrative never appeared to be overstated. The director technical was equally eloquent about the company’s expectation from the solution  to get our age old (and tried and tested ) business processes to be reengineered with assimilation of global best practices.

In any PSU the hurdles start right from  beginning when the documentation  gets started to choose the right partner. Where spectres of all those vigilance and watchdogs breathe heavily on your shoulders you have very least scope to allow space for much creativity in your articulation of your need or stretching to your imagination in  NIT and thus you end up in fortifying the whole framework of contract which sometimes appear to be entry barrier to the prospective bidders  or the best bidders. Yet like any PSU , CIL being too constrained  to be  enough liberal or open minded having so many tenets governing the contracts , the team (which includes two consultants from MDI)  while framing contract to finding the best just showcased their best of panache and performance which was worth praising . And the GM(MM) simply spared  no adjectives and accolades  to praise for this whole team and their wholesome toil. He appreciated the total due diligence for the finalizing contract of services  and products  mostly dealing with assimilation  or dissemination of knowledge  and its enabling technology  was quite encouraging. While the conference room was completely charged with enthusiasm , excitement to enter the new territory of information driven , intelligent organization management and one of the initial consultant underscored that the time have been never more appropriate than now to go for integrated framework of enabling this company to share the incremental burden of nation building by doubling its fossil fuel production  for the coming years, the CEO , has equally emphasized on the emotional part of the whole project apart from the technical manifestation. The best project , the finest manager , the proven technology all chosen and conforming to excellence only works to its full potential only when the people behind it or beside it will be passionate in its execution . Sheer passion complemented with best professionalism can only get any such journey which would impact one and all of the organization across peoples, place or process, practices to its desired destination  ie transformation from a stoic , strong and stout company to a smart, svelte, sincere new age organization. And wish it captured the ultimate essence of such big ticket transformation which must be driven by our zeal and zest rather than just another job assignment.


Nomenclature of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): How the name got coined ,consolidated  and completed full circle over the time.

Enterprise Resource Planning while always being touted with its generic name of enterprise solution , an integration across the processes  and so the practices  in any organization at the different layers and levels of the people and positions with the sole purpose of using them at their optimal level of effectiveness and efficiency never falls short of questions and queries it raises  since its wee hours of rolling out in mid nineties of last century. The big priest of IT evolution  Gartner , the erstwhile IT consultant firm  has first choose it  or rather coined it not with any finite explanation but with some articulation which spreads and stretches this single data defined softwares platform  beyond any single organization boundary ie to the enterprise level. Although genesis of the  solution  can be located to first manufacturing then material resource planning and ultimately enterprise  resource planning or ERP just expanding its(the softwares)  access and action areas  with  the advent of computing technology specially power of processing and potential of memory , the nomenclature of ERP never followed any strict  rule of lexicography. The word ERP at its initial stage got loosely coined and simply stuck in the world of integrated solution or enterprise solution , and then kept on defining and redefining its meaning over the years to morph itself to be the transformative tool for any organization.


In fact “Enterprise” by definition never abides by any intra company connotation rather it encompasses the whole supply chain ie in one side suppliers , sub- suppliers and in other end it is customers to next level consumers .So it is like a whole microcosm of integration. And here lies the utmost challenge in the this technical solution which sometimes being called packaged software , sometimes software suites, sometimes just ERP or enterprise resource planning .

Once the word “enterprise” denotes its breadth, the next two words try to explore some depth of it while putting it in force in any organization. If we see the genesis of management as a theory we will certainly appreciate that any management subject basically educates us for resource optimization , its mobilization and allocation according to the priority and across the departments and desks dealing with different processes normally called as business processes. So prioritizing the resource allocation is very much paramount to running any industry optimally. And here comes the two syllables “Resource Planning  “ which outline the relocation  and engages this scarce resources for maximum value addition. And while reallocating it we certainly put the human resources as the best or most valuable of all resources available (man, machine, money etc.) in any organization. Genesis of ERP was very much related with relocating this most valuable resources ie its employees  or the human brain in the best possible assignment  which could include designing , architecture , or orchestrating the org strategy , execution planning or feed back system rather than non value adding transactional work at the lower end of the company like keeping ledger of materials with its repository , replenishment in store or counting payroll in office with calculating incentives or increment in commensuration with payment  etc or even keeping score card of customers  of their preference of product of  style of payments  thus documenting  and deciphering huge data manually.

While reallocation of scarcest resource ie talent was initiator of the integration of process along the organization in a single database system, monolithic in structure and seamlessly transactional in function , over the time the whole definition permeated to other resources  like money , material etc . And today while generating huge data at the full length and breadth of any organization by first capturing them in its most rudimentary and raw form and then processing them as the next most valuable resources ie information ,  the next big thing which is fast getting traction is to decipher the same resources  to be most potent decision making tool with huge autonomy embedded  inside  the system through the Business Intelligence in particular or business intelligence in general . In fact it is thus the full cycle of definition of ERP is now going to be completed  when we see that with the evolution of organization from division to department to diversification of business , the resources allocation and relocation also have gone through different turn and churn  creating different timelines  to explain any company’  status quo first  simply digitalized then automated then autonomous  and further augmented in next stage of real time decision making  and so on. While coined very loosely at the beginning  the term ERP now consolidated its definition as huge transformational one , the platform of its also is transcending from intra company to inter company very fast by engulfing and encircling full enterprise and beyond through radicalization processes ,incremental growth  thus leveraging its strength of integration across the  whole ecosystem where the organizational boundaries with comparative advantages getting further blurred to generate wealth for everybody of the chain perpetuating a continuum of positive some game in geometric progression.


Marijuana , Marxim & Monopoly

Marijuana , Marxism and Monopoly , it is confusing sometimes amongst these three to understand which drug is most lethal?

What I discovered, Marijuana makes you hallucinate to transform everything, Marxism simply grounds that dream to reality of transformation with strong rationale and reasoning but monopoly defies that reality and tries its best to resist that transformation while highly convinced that nothing is to be changed and so the best way to live is just go to selective amnesia and indulge in laissez faire in everything

And now you certainly appreciate that only overdose of the first may near you to death, while any dose of the second will make you live longer but a normal dose of the third will surely make you living dead.

বিবর্ণ মৃত্যুর মিছিল -১    জাম বনি

অনেক খবরের মাঝে ওটাও একটা  খবর

একটু বিস্তৃত , কিন্তু অতটাও নয় যে দুবার পড়তে হবে ।

সংবাদ মাধ্যম এখনও সময় করে উঠতে পারেনি বিশদ ভাবে বোঝার যে

সেই সন্ধ্যায় কি হয়ে ছিল ?

সেদিন কি বৃষ্টি একটু বেশি সময় ধরে পড়ছিল?

সেদিন কি রাস্তায় কোন আলো ছিলনা ?

আর কুকুরেরা? যারা পথ চলতি মানুষ দেখলেই চিৎকার করে ,

ওরা কি সবাই যে যার বারান্দা ধরে নিয়েছিল , নিশ্চিন্ত বারান্দা ।

একলা ফোন বেজেই গেল … ছেলের টা কেউ ধরল না , বউয়ের টাও নয় ,

আর মায়ের চোখ ঠায় তোরণের দিকে , পুরনো ছবিগুলোর পুনর্নির্মাণ , কেউ যেন দিন গুলো পিছনে টানছে …।

সামনে  তীর বুকের বাঁ দিক ঘেঁষে কাঁপছে আস্তে আস্তে , কেউ বুদ্ধি করে আধখানা কঞ্চি কেটে নিয়েছে ,  মানুষটার নিশ্বাস ধীরে ধীরে ফিকে হচ্ছে , মুখে বিড়বিড় কিছু আওয়াজ ।

তীরটার সামনে দু খানা ফলা ছিল , আর মৃত্যু নিশ্চিত করতে খুব কাছে থেকে তুন তানা হয়েছিল…………..


ভিজে  জমিতে গতকালই পাশের গাঁয়ের বউ ঝি মিলে ধান রোয়া  সারা করে গেছে ,

তাদের  ফেলে যাওয়া গায়ের আঁশটে গন্ধ ছাপিয়ে আল পথের ফাঁক দিয়ে জল পড়ার একটানা অবিশ্রাম আওয়াজে ধান চারা গুলোর  গোড়া শিথিল হচ্ছে ক্রমশ ,

থমকে থাকা পেট্রলের এক বিষণ্ণ ধোঁয়া ভেজা কুয়াশাকে আরও ভারি  করে রেখেছে  ।

আধশোয়া  বাইকটা একটু দূর থেকে ওর মালিকের সাথেই  শেষ  ধড়পড়ানি টুকু ভাগ করে নিচ্ছিল এই কিছুক্ষণ আগেও।

এখন জলের আওয়াজ অনেকটাই গা সওয়া হয়ে গেছে নিথর শরীরটার।

বাইকের ইঞ্জিন ও থেমে গেছে ,

মোবাইল টা বন্ধ হয়ে গেছে সবার আগে ।

সকালের আকাশ সবুজ চারা গুলোর মাঝখানে রং ঢালার আগেই  কেউ জলে সিন্দূর মিশিয়ে গেছে  ।

ফিসফিস কিছু আওয়াজ এগিয়ে আসছে চারিদিক ঘিরে ,

খুব সম্ভব একটা পুলিসের গাড়ির  সাইরেনও শোনা যাচ্ছে এগিয়ে আসতে দ্রুত গতিতে।

এবার খবরের  গায়ে রং লাগবে , রক্তের চেয়েও  গাঢ কোন রং

এবার খবর বিকোবে চারিদিক , রাজনীতি , সন্ত্রাস , নির্বাচন ,   গোষ্ঠী দ্বন্ধ এই সব  শব্দ গুলোর ওপর  বিছানো হবে ওই গলা ফালা করে দেওয়া শরীরটা । রাজধানী থেকে নেতারা আসবে স্বত্ব দাবি করতে , মৃতদেহের ওপর স্বত্ব।

আর রাত বাড়লেই দূরদর্শনে  জোর আলোচনা হবে সেই শবের দল ভুক্তি নিয়ে ,জীবনের চেয়ে মৃত মানুষের  দাবিদার  চিরকালই  কয়েকগুণ  বেশী।

এবার  কিছু লোক টানাটানি করবে , দলাদলি করবে শব দেহ ঘিরে ।

কিছু কাগজের সপ্তাহান্তের রসদ ।………


আর  কাল রাতের  সাক্ষী কুকুরগুলো  গুটিশুঁটি  মেরে বারান্দা ছেড়ে  দাঁড়াবে এসে রাস্তায়  আর

ভীত , সন্দিগ্ধ চোখে  খেয়াল রাখবে

দুপেয়ে নৃশংসতা থেকে দূরত্বটা  যেন কমে না যায় কোন ভাবে।









with the  fb, the pulsar ,the photon plus and the blackberry life is too cool …. even in the  hottest  and remotest mines of coal companies!!

(A Mining Engineer’s Diary revisited: written in 2010 while working as Sr Faculty in IICM)

I still can remind the date 18thAugust,1987. Its was a sultry morning , the sky just  got too ill-temperate and conservative to usher fully , a humid , irritation  doubled by torrid environment of the rugged terrain of Raniganj –Asansol belt . I along with another guy from ISM, Dhanbad Anil Kumar took shelter in a 8ftX8ft room ‘s confinement of a small hotel of Barakar  for the next days programme to attend the ECL, HRD office. The food , the light and the untidiness just enough to shock anybody once  he will enter the room. It was my second visit to Asansol belt till my college life is over. In-fact the first visit was to Ramnagar colliery, when I had done one project on underground coal mine and that too under one of very overgenerous college senior and his too affectionate wife. The result was more about getting pampered by the family and less exposure to anything , the place or the people and so also very little aquiantance to the mine also. So this was the second visit  and the visit which went long way to shape the life I spent next twenty years before shifting to Ranchi with other assignment as I am doing recently.

The next day we got up early and got prepared earlier in more urge to leave the dingy hotel and less to join the organization called ECL. We reached the HRD office by 10 am and there we met MR Chakraborty , the lean and quite smiling officer who asked us to meet  Mr Falguni Tiwary , the then EE in charge. Mr. Tiwary is no more there , but I hope a part of my life in ECL had been tagged in his  file personally and professionally till his last days there in ECL. This gentleman a typical personnel officer  with very confused approach typical  to any problem of personnel they deal with(sometimes you just get misguided whether they are supporting and opposing  you ,a generic stance patented with them) scribbled  a two syllable words on my appointment letter clumsily , Khas Kajora,( the name which appeared to be much clumsier  that time) and nothing else.  Even I had not been told by anyone where the place is and how to proceed , in which direction. The only thing helped this twenty plus aged young guy who just passed out from the college is the imprint in the front cortex  he picked up the previous day  while coming by bus towards Asansol , where he saw one tilted small signboard amongst sand dunes near GT somewhere written with a blurring and broken sentence “ Kajora jaibar path….” in Bengali font which meant the way to Kajora. So with that little memory I along with another guy from BIT Sindri , Jitendra Mishra boarded a bus back from Asansol towards Durgapur and just got down the one place after  narrowing down one place by the erstwhile conductor , a place called Kajora More. It was a the late afternoon , the dusk descends very fast on a smoggy surrounding  of the GT road .The drizzle got started  again and infront of us a muddy road looked filled with so many deceptive potholes towards an uncertain destination , Khas Kajora Colleiry. The uncertainty was not so physically but more so psychologically just being  dropped by the organization we joined  the same day , without single briefing  , or  at least two lines instruction what to do and where to go and where to report. The two guys  still braving all these odds of  non-communication  boarded one Ricksaw  , proceeded towards the colliery and reached the place after dragging of the Ricksaw puller on a sticky muddy road to discover  there first place of posting in a typical plot of the great novel  Germinal  smeared by smoke and moist by  just concluded drizzle. Its an evening , we will never forget , in the office they told us to get shifted to one place called Anjeerbaganwhere there was one vacant quarter . And while we just treaded towards more  smog smoldering from intermittent domestic burning of earth-oven  dotted all over the place , we reached our first floor quarter to get our anchor set for our first assignment of job.

Let’s just drag the cursor to the 2010 . A batch of 130 were supposed to join CIL, the communication was mailed to all the concerned office and the officials, the doctors for medical check up, the personnel from CIL to emerge in the defined place to check and clear all proceedings and IICM, a lush green campus, with serenity and divine surrounding  like any ashram, had been assigned to train those guys for next two weeks, showcasing the whole organization in length and breadth. The design of thinking is to get them acquainted with broader and bigger picture of coal industry as a whole and CIL in particular. At first it’s the breadth, then gradually the depth, just drilling more to let them be introduced to their domain of working. So the guys in their mid twenty rushed towards the campus, a heaven still been maintained in Ranchi’s disappearing canvas of soothing greenery, pleasing climate and innocent inhabitants. The paper got scanned, paraphernalia attested in the cozy rooms of IICM corridor vibed  with silent conditioner and tranquilizing music. The sumptuous food just added to the flavor of their dream they now started fanning for the next surprise while they got posted in different subsidiaries. Its care and concern shown by the usually very soft faculties in campus appeared to be sometime deceptive while imagining for the field people who always appear to emerge from the old Texas movie, rough, rugged managers rippled in the face with thousand of crisis trodden   experiences. The medical test passed very nicely, the eye sights got checked, the pulse rate been measured, the guys just  get in the organization called CIL. The true lies never got exaggerated , the first two weeks in the industry just made them enough aware of the facts and figures of coal companies , so briefing some knowledge about the functionalities thus gets enriched while get physically and psychologically prepared to take on the challenges ahead while getting posted in different places. Swinging like the pendulum between uncertainty and some broadly defined knowledge they just start putting brave face to cover up any shakiness inside and depart to swoop down over different field and areas of their posting. And here comes the second surprise which gets fast converted to shocks depending on the three things. How far you acclimatize in a fully adverse environment, especially against lot of odds where, monster machines, seasoned managers both keeps on challenging their grit, gumption, their so called sophistication.  The second one is to understand how to engaging themselves , without any so called demand pull , or structured job planning , specially more for statutory , filling a huge vacuum created of non recruitment fro so long time rather than any  specialized task they expected to crack with their technical savviness , just keep on devouring their energy  , channeling it in wrong way. And thirdly how far they just get focused on the second career , and using the exiting  chaos as a cool platform to prepare and shift to the next organization of their liking. So the recruits having any of three quality just pick up the survival kit in the industry.

Now narrating the both sagas of  that time and this time , only part common  in the whole scenario is the ambience , the culture of coalfields. Surprisingly  this part got hardly changed , whatever  the cause may be, the production target got multiplied , the machines upgraded , the compensation got skyrocketing  , technology crept in gradually to outdate the conventional working process but the surrounding kept same , so the culture is so hard coded , it always appears  anything got hardly changed within this two decades. And the result , same recluse , same  isolation , killing silence of remotest place from the so called metro or township, the confounding  environment with semi skilled or unskilled people without even workable sophistication and the narrowed ring of a handful f seasoned coal executives. The day in , day out in colliery just would have been  kept back in the same status  as we started our career two decades ago sans the availability of the technology , the communication and of course  new life style gadgets and gizmos.

Thanks Mark Zukerbarg , Steve Job , or Larry page , the technology just do not let you be separated , isolated wherever you are whoever you are. These young guys may get disillusioned as the widening chasm between their  expectation(instead of getting scaled down in induction) and realty just  is too harrowing to be convincing . The competence , the skill , the quality gets eroded fast , so the knowledge level . There creeps in a tough seasoning and de-schooling  and re-schooling part of their job life. The remoteness sometimes gets too unbearable as they spent in some of the top schools  busy environment  bustling with lot of activities. Away from their so called busy campus but still are so near to their peers , their batch mates, their childhood friends, courtesy the mobile broadband service Tata Photon or Airtel, the social networking center of FB , the all engulfing cobweb of internet and the sleek jazzy  mobile stuffed with hundreds of features, the voicemail ,camera, the texting tool,  the android operative system or the i-pad, the mobile book-selves , periodical stores. In fact some of the organization where inherently the working condition and the ambience is quite unfriendly and reclusive as our coal companies must be more grateful to these new system and communication  gadgets which are the only life line to the existence of the fresher who otherwise got too shocked being located in the most isolated corner of the country straight from the campus to sustain the reclusive lifestyle for even couple of weeks. It can be expected to be an just understatement if we say these guys are just let them connected 24X7 hours in those mines ostracized from crowded planet , rather they are just extracting  more out of it. The usually low work pressure in a monopoly environment  where the major player’s performance are hardly been driven by completion in market , this new gen are just enjoying the enough  of their recess and relaxation (from any high responsibility being considered too young) and may  be lot of them got enough scope to keep preparing for their second career. Thanks to introduction of lot of broad band spectrums, liberalization of communication really helped our people who otherwise had to spend in full isolation like we spent in our time. Although the same isolation in other sense was the bliss in disguise for us personally me who loves to meet the people physically  rather than virtually and keep on expanding the circle of familiarity beyond any group or particular community , the non or nil availability of communication  at the early age of my career just helped me to find the trigger points amongst our innocent man  and monster machines  of mines   and the surrounding and kept me engaged with the cause of them for last twenty years. Yes there were no photo sharing , but regular exchanging  warmth , care and concern every time we meet those people in the mines  and beyond which in most cases either densely vegetated or else sparsely located. Still I can remind how I could develop a deep bond with the two beautiful friends one was  Begunia Forest (now a deforestatated  Bengal Emta Mine) ans another was  the Ajay River in Chrulia while moving with my racing  Honda Sleek moving around  in a zone of 30 km radius , enjoying the frequent open end theatre(or they say Jatrain Bengal) , took the member ship of the local village library  thus became a very key person in lot of activities in those remote villages where the mines were located with a handful of executives. In fact I owe to my whatever attachment to these people who helped to shape my philosophy  of life , my passion for these people  which may have been possible because of a little bit non availability of any  proper communication and complete absence of virtual life of online networking as we see today.

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