কবিতার মুখবন্ধ (‘Prelude’ by Tomas Transtromer) অনুবাদ পার্থ মিশ্র

রাতের স্বপ্ন থেকে সরাসরি সে ঝাঁপ দিয়েছে বাস্তবের সকালে।

এক বহমান সকাল, এক সবুজ সকালের দিকে সাঁতার কাটছে সে সমানে।

পেরিয়ে যাচ্ছে ধীরে ধীরে জেগে ওঠা এক বাস্তবের সকালকে ।

ভোরের পাখীর মত চাক্ষুষ করেছে সে মাটির নীচে শেকড়ের রহস্য,

আর তার আলোকমালার নিঃশব্দ প্রতিসরণ।

অথচ মাটির উপর শুধুই সবুজের সমারোহ,

আর তাদের ঊর্ধ্ব বাহু হয়ে শুনতে থাকা অদৃশ্য হৃদয়ের স্পন্দন।

ভেসে যেতে চাওয়া শত আলোক বর্ষ দূরে সূর্যের কুহরে।

সময়ের সে এক আকুতি জ্বলে যেতে চাওয়ায় , পুড়ে যেতে চাওয়ার।

আর তারপর ই…।

তারপর ই মুহূর্ত থেমে যায়,

দাঁড়িয়ে পড়া পল অনুপল হটাতই ডানা মেলে দিগন্তের দিকে,

উড়তে থাকে নিঃসীমের দিকে , নীচের স্বচ্ছ , সুনীল জলরাশি ছুঁয়ে।

ঠোঁটের নীচে এখন শুধুই বিস্তীর্ণ জলরাশি,আর তার অতলে চক্রাকারে ঘুরতে থাকে মেসোপটেমিয়ার বিস্মৃত কোন এক লয়,তাল,সুর ।

এ যেন দিনের প্রথম প্রহরের চেতনাতে বেঁচে থাকার স্বরলিপি,

এক রৌদ্রতপ্ত পাথরের মুঠোবন্দী হয়ে থাকার কাহিনী।

ছায়ার প্রলোভনে আটকে থাকা  ক্লান্ত পথিক ,সবুজ ডালপালা ছাড়িয়ে দেখতে চাইছে ওপরের আকাশ,

মৃত্যুর আবর্ত কেটে সে এখন পরখ করবে জীবনকে,

আর সেই আলোকেই এবার তার কাঙ্ক্ষিত ধারাস্নান ।







wrong is never right but neutrality is simply dangerous and end up as suicidal


You take right position or wrong position but never take neutral position , it is simply most damaging among all.

It is always a very curious case for this world to survive where most are creating confusion while least are boosting its confidence . But if real damage or degradation of it is caused by the third kind of people who takes neutral position everywhere. This specific cult are very much used to or completely insulated to anything or everything . They can bear the whole episode of humiliation or harassment of their colleague and still will not raise their voice in anticipation of wrath from the seniors. They just look the other way while any wrong thing happens in front of them in the road , in the train or in the shopping mall pretending to be too busy to notice. In the debate they will keep their lips tight not to slip anything politically incorrect word however factually correct they may be. They shut their mouth, close their eyes and keep moving in an animated speed along with their clones typified with same nature. They keep jostling , huddling and harnessing each others’ vices and virtues but never ever dared to peep outside their coveted  boundary fiercely guarded by their indifference and inaction . They intend to buy or bargain peace by inaction or neutrality and mostly end up being passive catalyst of the escalation of problem itself. In the bus , train, airport lounge, in the class room , market or the office floor they simply try to take the role of bystander avoiding any comments , carefully sidestepping any involvement neither containing it nor catering to it with an excuse to bargain his or her own peace. Thus this special species just let the impasse prolongs, problem persists and situation aggravates by not intervening. We never know whether a debate is right or wrong, a dissent just or unjust, a difference worth fighting for or not if we do not get involved in it. Being mere and mute spectator of it , or ignoring it today as an non issue for ourselves or just taking our hands off understanding it never fits our interest will basically allow it tomorrow to spread out or spill over to our coziness and comfort zone to unsettle the same status  and costing the same  peace and placidness  we have been guarding so obsessively or obstinately (not getting engaged in it ). Wrong side is always more right than mere neutrality as it never warrants regression rather than aggression of any wrong thing as passivity , inactivity or inertness just allow any war more encompassing .

Need to recharge yourself, merge inside the crowd and forget your identity: Let’s get Crowdcharging


which head is yours? crowd is pure, crowd is pristine, crowd is so emancipating…

Why you need to take an arduous journey to discover yourself, when there is a huge colourful crowd across your doorstep?

It is really a pity, that we when got tired and tardy being pressed inside the daily ordeal of our assignment, aspiration and exasperation, we get desperate to find an escape route. A long arduous journey to find a solitary island , an exploration in deep and dense forest to locate the lone cottage or to more strainful walking on a troughs of trail on high altitude terrain normally frozen and forgotten not being trekked for long past. We spend our so hard-earned leisure much more precious than our normal time, shell out huge cost, and engage our all those neural network to find the right-most resort or recluse places. And every time we took the pain to find out exit route of the mental baggage, the burden of office tension or home unrest , they all keep moving with us there in the peak, inside the jungle or in the lonely hut in distant island. It is as if we just took all these pain to rediscover that the dissociation from busy mind or bustling work is simply impossible.

Not any time more.

Let us get ourselves crowdcharging.

Crowd is more pure and pristine than the solitude which always suffer from the unwanted adulteration from the unprecedented disturbances. Your old acquaintance may invade your solitude. You may find another disturbed mind in your next door neighbour came with equal enthusiasm to get himself or herself sanitised from those contaminated and corrupt daily life of real world entangled with unsolicited threat, unreal target, and unpredicted mood of his or her office seniors or unyielding juniors. So your ambition of exclusive recluseness is never warranted. Now you just try to get the taste of the crowd outside your closed and claustrophobic life. The crowd is much more pure at its heart with complete heterogeneity. Crowd is much more colourful with its intrinsic character of variety of minds and variation with their vast spectrum of their ambition and aspiration. Just put your own aspiration(and that is to enjoy the crowd being one of them) inside the diverse nature of it and see how to really get your catharsis as well as cleansing by this warm and wonderful mass of people while you are contributing to the same spectrum of vastness and varieties of which you are also a part. In a crowd , you have nothing to lose rather than to add your part of warmth and wit if you participate in it by compulsive de-egotisation. In a crowd you have nothing to fear about if your purse and pocket are just protected enough not to be pierced by another partner of the crowd conventionally wrong enough for careless you but equally right enough for the colourful a part of the crowd to enrich its heterogeneity. Just imagine yourself, the otherwise boss in your office ,you always boasted of high attitude and higher aptitude with continuous showcasing intelligence and diligence creating an iconic image while passing the corridor of your office building. You are so accustomed with adoration and adulation while leap frogging every hurdle of achievement, you simply take everything (your post, position, promotion, personality) ,virtually everything which have been making what you are as granted. In fact being opiated with your success and stream of achievements sometimes you miss the yesterdays’ row of listener, or cue of learners of which you are a very committed part not long ago. This continuous struggle to excel in what you do today and exceed what you achieved yesterday has its collateral damage. You are getting awfully consumed with your quest for the best and the embedded struggle for success is leaving you a more android and less human followed by string of other imbalances in family, in society and so on. A full recharge is immediate, a refuel is already impending and you are desperate for an escape for sometimes. Just in a crowd you will see all those thing clubbed together. You put yourself inside a crowd , you ride a public bus stuffed with most common people, the daily labourer huddled on the engine room like cattle , the petty suppliers stretching the tolerance of other passengers by loading the floor with their big sacs and office going babus sweated out all stories of public apathy towards their office infamous for inaction and incompetence. You being part o fthem can just test your tolerance physical and mental both. While not getting any seat to sit you are lsitening all those stories spoken loud and may be lewd with least eruditeness expected from the common man. The level of de egotisation , deleveling certainly introduce you to new perspective of life till undiscovered , infuse your new thought process till unexplored. You will see the crude yet chirpy life surrounds your otherwise stale and stagnant world of supremacy , smugness and snottiness. Being first thrown and then challenged outside your comfort and coziness , you will pick up so many lesson of survival , struggle from there itself. Suddenly you feel very much mobile, dynamic and strategist while fighting the compulsive war on the street. While being a part of it you will own it too. In fact now you are no more in a recluse silo to skim and sip the spill over of life rather you are deep inside its vim and vigour to be the part of its full vibrancy. And that is the way we can really enjoy the life to its hilt. Charging ourself in this pure pristine crowd to mak eus complete more and more.

ESS is a technology steroid which while induce your immunity may also invoke some vulnerabilities

ERP or enterprise resource planning the syllables which these days became an inevitable next for integrating businesses in any organisation irrespective of its size, scope and scale with which it operates, half of the time comes cropper if we read the history of this big beast and stories of its unleashing in different industries (more in fortune biggies rather than MSMEs).

So it will be always risky venture if we put our key processes or the core business modules fully captive to this beast and let it be gone haywire with irreversible, and irrecoverable damage once failed. Yes the solution covers or demands to cover each and every business process, impounding the best knowledge , importing the best practices from its repository of experiences and exposures. Yes it also demands to be a transformative tool and mostly revolutionary rather than evolutionary and in all these claim lies the nemesis of the implementation which just depends with n number of variables controllable or uncontrollable. Top management support unconditional and uninterrupted , definite and distinct goals with objective framework as expected from the implementation , section of the software and its vendor with smooth knowledge osmosis with the organisational teams , followed by a stream of activities in change management, training and tutoring of the solution , acclimatizing the ground level users with the new environment , so all these critical success factors which not necessarily lie in the control either in individual capacity or more so in its causality , the ESS induced steroid may simply lead to your immune deficiency syndrome. And we must appreciate that any induced solution or serum just set the structural change in our body which needs to grow both compatibility and compliability. So all those business process reengineering, configuration or customisation of core activities will lead to this condition which normally becomes point of no return.

Especially when we never care (either being carried away by fashion or compelled by force) for the strategic fit for the solution architecture with organisation architecture and governance between the two entities (the organisation and ERP both), the risk of mismatch and so the miscarriage will be always higher. Now big bang approach may simply boomerang and the phased approach may just protract the process with irrational expectation confronted with mounting frustration. In such case it will be always safer and sometime great saver not to discard all the legacies and digress to the new environment outright, rather to keep some parallel process (with its IT enabler) running simultaneously specifically which is revenue centre or the core business process developed with some signature design exclusively by the culture, code and the creativity of the company. This process enabling software or the technology must be kept and nurtured with same care and concern the way new ERP solution is implemented. This signature process enabled by technology may be customer relationship, sale automation or supply chain which normally locate it in the bigger canvas of enterprise solution or ERP –II(as Gartner says) and which perennially bolt in to the other process in the industry by data warehousing application, web portal or customer related solution(analytics etc.). Now the equation of the old signature process with new vanilla system must be decided depending on how the organisation really want to hedge the risk of future failure if any in ERP.

An ant tribe in India , in China : The weaver of the modern world just put their days out , days in for only food not any frill

The reminiscence is still so vivid in my memory till date. Twenty years back I came to then Calcutta (now Kolkata) to meet one of my in law. He got the job a for couple of years. A private company , most probably one out sourcing firm or a notch above that. The residence they took near the airport enough dingy alley to put in you a fix about the direction you must move forward. After trying my luck in the labyrinth of the lanes and bye lanes somehow I manage to check in one dorm in the second floor of a shabby building. The young gen are rushing out of the building in morning hours to graze on the job market , the stinky smell of the cowshed in the first floor on which the dorm is been hired to more than four boarders a room sometimes get so over rented that some of the beds need to get hired for two shifts in the day matching with time zone in the call centers where most of the guys are were working or searching jobs for. An impatient youth , the restless hearts are breathing too heavily in the chocking suboptimal environment of surrounding. Its those youth we speak of always to play our demographic advantages over others, the same card our politicians flaunt all the time to our ageing neighbor or older population of waste to show how advantageous we are take on the world near future. These are the same young guys who just rush out of these pigeon holes everyday to work in the kitchenette the back office of flat , crowded worlds bustling or bursting workshop of finance , economy or trading . they are the weaver bird of the whole wired network of supply chain of the every service goods and service companies in the greater world and lastly they are the great Indian youth force languishing in substandard ant holes to launch their careers in a big way.

The next scenery I will depict a suburb in Beijing, the folks staking their family’s last belonging to educate and qualify for big ticket job just landed in capital in aspiration of new life of comfort and decency. Right after landing they get themselves confined in a six bed dorm with untidy washrooms a common passage and the toilets sharing all the inhabitants of the building and lastly running after a job which either enslave them on lot of conditionality or just not allowed to them because of the connection “…” they say in Chinese . A frustrated , young educated workforce languishing in the locality always been addressed as ant tribes just to show their desperacy and number to search out the jobs migrating from villages a blot to the much touted double digit growth of a country basking on super economy power. Another group of restless hearts.

The comparison I have drawn just to turn our head from some excel spreadsheet to some real life fact , from unrelenting raining of statistics from the planning commission and ministry , the continuous analysis of mean , median mode of our demography of workforce to the actual status they are just been forced into. The way these young , upcoming new work force are being treated or should I say the standards they maximum can afford its no where compared to a few IITian or privilege college graduates being recruited from the campus and straight rehabilitate in the cozy campus of the corporate. These grim faced , low waged engineers much more outnumber the those few as well as they are the at bottom of the pyramid of every hierarchy of corporate pillar of the globalized world. They are the founding bricks of every business and they are the main code writers all those million of programme to integrate and run the world economy. Infact it’s a big paradox as well pretentious that the world still suffers from huge discrimination and ethnicity of the class, creed, caste , country(which school, what its pedigree etc) where the technocrats or the architects who are supposed to obliterate these difference are them selves inflicted with over dose of it.

The youth everywhere are same energetic , enthusiastic , enterprising and yes vulnerable to sheer exploitation also. The super clan of professionals just exploit them as ants. They come out of their dingy holes in Kolkata or Peking every morning to get to their job place and come back again in the evening or night on the little sustenance whatever they can afford to. They are as always the lowest paid, least privileged and labor class of the IT sector some got defined as code writer, some are designer and some may be system integrator, the job profile of all these abbreviation will certainly overwhelm the salary structure of these hapless humanoids or human robots living their life sans any complain, any issue.Like  those equally  disciplined(in movement and work)  and disenchanted (from any special aspiration)ants the daily journey of these youth just starts and ends for collection of food not any cultivation of frill or even any fringe incentive .

Rise of Right is basically Rise of Wrong not Fall of Left in new world order…..

Every alternate person in the world is so upset about Brexit or Trump’s victory misses much harsher truth  and that it is  the same west which reinforced Moore’s law , reinvigorated the free market or took lead to save the mother earth by reversing the climate catastrophe voted for these new power of right(Therese May) or right plus plus(Trump) who swore to  defy and denounce everything the west achieved over the decades or century. This shows that the west got bamboozled with the smoke and mirror of the globalization they created and catered so long without really meaning it .Or else they never wanted to create it in this manner which like Frankenstein ‘s monster simply set to rule or rout them  one day. This time they are also missing another truth which will put them in further regression adding to the recession they already are facing. The new world order is undeniable and axis of coordinating it just got redefined . Gone are those days when the military , money or the muscle (veto in UN , Security council, WB, IMF etc) which ruled the roost. Now it is individual  ie the human brain,  intelligence ( read business intelligence) that excavate and exploit anything and everything out of big data and lastly idea (the crowd sourcing , opensourcing ) flowing seamlessly from the most backward nation to solve or shoot trouble of developed nation which will just redefining the globalization. Clearly rising with their rightist lineage however protectionist this new power may be about their trade or market, however xenophobic they become  with the fear of job loss or competency laggardness , however insanity they show with their sudden dragging the feet on climate control , the world already got metamorphosed with new age thinking which can hardly be reversed and rather reinvigorated by new order . With this sudden retreat or reversion on their thought process the only redemption left for them is loosing their leadership they evolved , earned and enjoyed over the years now by fast becoming mere followers of the new age thinkers (may be now from the east and far east) . The job market and so the economy , trade everything in shifted supply chain or scattered innovation and crowdsourced invention these days keep moving to comparatively advantageous nation irrespective of legacy or old linage of  wealth or well being. The money , material or manpower will populate as well as progress the nation which will shelter them not shove them out or shut the door for them out of induced fear and phobia.

Wish the west better understand it faster or it will be too late for them to come out with another brand like iphone or facebook , google or to dare to design algorithm to connect and convene with other planet much beyond our world. In fact rise of right will simply spell doom for the west shoving them in the wrong and self defeating spiral faster than they thought.

বাবুদের মাস মাইনে – পার্থ মিশ্র

জীর্ণ শরীরে মোড়কের পর মোড়ক,
নিত্য নতূন এক প্রস্ত পোষাকে ভারী হতে থাকে তার আপাত পিঙ্গল তনু ,
সহস্র জ্ঞানের উন্মেষ নাকি মুক্তির চাপে তার প্রান আজ কেবলই ওষ্ঠাগত।
ক্রমাগত টানাপোড়েন , হয়তো বা বিপরীত দুই মেরূর বলবান তার্কিকের
মাঝে সে এক শীর্ণকায় অভিরূপ।
এক জীবন্মৃত কায়া, আতীত আর বর্তমানের মাঝখানে আটকে পড়া নাকি এক হারিয়ে যাওয়া ভবিষ্যৎ ?
যে আঁতুড় ঘরে তার জন্ম হয়েছিলো কোন এক বিস্মৃত দিনাঙ্কে,
কোন এক নোতুন ভাবনার আভাষে,
আজ তার আর কেউ খোঁজ রাখে না।
সেখানে এখন ক্ষমতা আর দম্ভের আলিন্দে ঘোরাফেরা করা ঊ তনের শব্দ এবং ব্যখ্যার সুউচ্চ ইমারত।
অকারন বাক্য বিন্যাস আর প্রশ্নোত্তরের ক্রমাগত পাশা খেলা , বন্ধক রেখে সময়কে , সিদ্ধান্তকে।
গন্তব্যটা হারিয়ে গেছে বহুকাল , এখন সেখানে শুধুই ঘূর্ণাবর্ত জটিল আর ফেনিল বহু চর্চিত জ্ঞান রাশিতে।
চক্রাকারে ঘুরতে থাকা কতগুলো নিয়ম নিগড় বাঁচিয়ে রাখে এক পথচলা , ক্লান্তিহীন , ক্লেশহীন আর দিশাহীন।
আর তার সাথে বাঁচিয়ে রাখে বাবুদের মাস মাইনের জীবিকাগুলো।
বেঁচে থাকো হে অফিশ ফাইল আর বাঁচিয়ে রাখ আমাদের।
আমরা তোমার শতায়ু কামনা করি।

পার্থ মিশ্র

ঊষ্ণায়ন(global warming) -১ পার্থ মিশ্র

উন্নতি , সভ্যতা , অগ্রগতি  এইশব্দগুলোর আজ খুব বাড় বাড়ন্ত ।

 ভোরের কুয়াশা ফালাফালা করে চিরে ফেলে নতুন সূর্য  সেই সাত সকালেই ,

শত আলোকবষ দূর থেকেও তার  সোজাপথে  আর কোন বাধা রাখেনি ছিন্ন বিচ্ছিন্ন ওযোন স্তর ।

উন্নতির উত্তাপে আজ পৃথিবীর মানুষ সেঁকে নিচ্ছে শরীর দিনভর রাতভর…

শিশির ভেজা ভোর আর বৃষ্টি ভেজা রাত গুলো আর অকারনে কবিকে উত্তক্ত করেনা ,

ফেলে আসা ছায়াপথ , পুরান কথা , লেপ মুড়ি দিয়ে ঠাকুমার গায়ের ওম শুধু স্মৃতি হয়ে  বেঁচে থাক অতীতের কথা কাহিনীতে।

ধরাশায়ী মহীরূহগুলো তার শেষ গল্প টুকু নিয়ে ট্রাকবাহী হয়ে চলেছে কাঠকলে  ।

সামনে শুধুই মসৃ্ন পথ,প্রশস্ত , নাব্য আর প্রখর অগ্রগতি সটান ………।।

ঊষ্ণায়ন -২ পার্থ মিশ্র

ঊষ্ণায়ন -২


ধীরে ধীরে কোথায় হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে সেই সব ভালোলাগা চিত্রকল্পগুলো ,

ধোঁয়াটে রক্তিম হয়ে গেছে বনলতা সেনের সেই পাখীর নীড়ের মতো দুই চোখ ।

নক্ষত্রের আকাশ আমি আর দেখিনা সেখানে কেবলই বিষাক্ত কার্বন ,

অমৃতের পুত্র আমরা প্রকৃতিকে দিয়ে গেলাম হাতে ধরে সেঁকো বিষ ।

নিজেরই প্রজন্মের ফুসফুসে ভরে দিলাম আমাদের কীর্তিকলাপের সর্বনাশা কার্বন কণা ।

দরজায় কড়া নাড়লে দেখি ডাক হরকরা বয়ে আনে ক্ষয়ের আর বিনাশ কালের নিত্য নতুন খবর ,

এখানে খরা , ওখানে ঝঞ্ঝা, মহামারী এক প্রদেশ থেকে আরেক প্রদেশে , এক মহাদেশ থেকে আরেক মহাদেশে ।

উত্তপ্ত পৃথিবীতে আজ দেখি মারণ কীটের মহাভোজ ।

কান পাতলেই শুনি ভেঙ্গে চলেছে দ্রুতলয়ে মেরু প্রদেশের হিমশৈল  ।

আর মৃত হেলবাট মাছেদের সারি সারি শব ডাঙ্গার উপর ,

তাদের শেষ আস্তানাটুকুও গতকাল শুষে নিয়েছে গ্যাস কোটরে আটকে পড়া তপ্ত সূর্যের টুকরোগুলো ,

আজ আর সেখানে বৃদ্ধরা তাদের পুরাণ গাথা শোনায়না

গল্প-গাথা  হারিয়ে গেছে প্রকৃতির ভয়ঙ্কর বেখেয়ালে ।

প্রবীণ কৃষক বুঝি আবহ ভাষা ভুলে গেছে বহুকাল ।

প্রকৃতির কোল ঘেঁষে থাকা মানুষগুলো তাই আজ খুবই ভীত ও উদ্ভ্রান্ত ।

কবির কলম থেমে গেছে বহুকাল , ধানসিঁড়ি নদী আজ এক মজা শুকনো নালা , নাকি তাও নয় !

আর আমরা সেই শ্রেণীবদ্ধ জল্লাদের , এক জীবন্ত বিজ্ঞাপন ।

অকুতোভয় সভ্যতার চীর অভিলাষী এসব দেখেও দেখিনা ।

জনপদ উজাড় করতে আমরা তাই রেখে গেলাম সহস্র অর্বুদ কার্বন-পদ চিহ্ন আর অর্জিত তীব্র ধিক্কার,

আমাদেরই সন্তানের জন্যে এক ধোঁয়াটে ভবিষ্যৎ ।

অপরাহ্ন-২ – পার্থ মিশ্র


শীতের শহর এলোকেশী

ইচ্ছে করে বসতে পাশে,

শীতের শহর গুডের পিঠে

ইচ্ছে করে আঁচ পোয়াতে ।


আমার শরীর বেজায় ভেজা

আগুন তারে জ্জ্বালতে নারে,

তোমার তাপে ইচ্ছেতো তাই

শুধুই আমার মন সেঁকে নিই ।

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