অপরাহ্ন-১ – পার্থ মিশ্র

অনেক দিন পরে তার মুখোমুখি হলাম,

মোটা জুলপি,চোখ আগের থেকে অনেক বেশী উজ্জল

কপালে বলিরেখা স্পষ্ট ,চামড়া ঈষৎ শিথিল ,

যতটুকু জানি , ও তো নিয়মিত যোগাভ্যাস করতো।


অনেক দিন পরে তার সাথে কথা হল,

ও এখন বেশী নৈশব্দঃতেই উত্তর দেয়

সকালের শীতার্ত বুনোপথ ,শেষ বিকেলের একাকী বক আল পথ ঘিরে ঠায় দাঁড়িয়ে,

সবে সাঞ্ঝবাতি জ্বালানো ঝোপ জোনাকির পাশ কাটিয়ে হিমেল অন্ধকারের উকি ঝুকি, এ সব কিছুই তার চোখের গভীরে আঁকা ছিল।

ফেলে আসা গল্প গাথা, প্রেম , অপ্রেম সব কিছুই ঘুরপাক খাচ্ছিল ওর অব্যাক্ত চাহনিতে।

তার সেই সমাহিত শান্ত ঠোঁট দুটোতে শেষ বন্যতার কোন ছাপ খুজে পেলামনা।


অনেক দিন পরে আমরা দুজনে কিছুটা হেঁটে নিলাম।

চেনা অচেনা অনেক গন্ধ রঙ তাকে ছুয়ে যাচ্ছিলো , কেউ বা আলতো করে চুম্বন,

আবার কেউবা একটু এগিয়ে এসে, একটু সঙ্গে হেঁটে নিল , তার গায়ের সেই দুর্বার ওম পেতে,

প্রতিটি বাঁকই তাকে পেতে সোহাগ ভরে হাত বাড়িয়ে ছিল,

পায়ের নিচে ঝরা পাতাগুলো শব্দ করে নিজেদের টুকরো করছিল, ভাঙছিল , ছড়িয়ে যাচ্ছিলো প্রচণ্ড উদ্বেলিত , শিহরিত এক অভাবিত ভালবাসায়।

আর ও এক নির্মোক , নির্লিপ্ত চলমান স্মৃতি, চারিদিকে রকমারি রঙের আগুনকে উস্কে দিয়ে যাচ্ছিলো।

ওর এই নরম উষ্ণতা আমাদের ছাড়িয়ে শেষ বিকেলের আকাশে গোধূলির রঙ নিচ্ছিল।


আজ আমারও ওর সাথে আলাদা কোন কথা ছিলনা ,

ছিল শুধু আরও কিছু পথ নিঃশব্দ হেটে যাওয়া ,

যতক্ষন না সন্ধে নামে।




you are defined by your leisure you engage ( beyond only enjoying) with , not by the labour you employ into…..

the show is yet to start , why not learn some stick tricks: leisure at it’s best…. through the lens of madhukari

You are not known by your labour which is the other name of the job (with it’s profile whatever) you are supposed to do or you are being paid for in your working place as there are very few scope of improvising the presumed profile although you can reengineer the process to certain extent and that also with approval of hierarchy which normally do not encourage in radicalisation apart from some incremental change .

Instead of your labor , it is the intermittent leisure, which defines you, denotes your exclusivity.

In your leisure, you got full authority to improvise, innovate and invent the way, the work , your life the narratives of them thus everything you do while using it(leisure). You can use it intelligently; you can use it insipidly also. You can simply spend it with deeper engagement in your thinking process to explore anything and everything in life, in the world or you can just splurge it putting your whole thinking in down time whether it is in your own terrace or in your favorite tourist spot. Actually any leisure is not to rest rather to reinvent and reenergize yourself for not only preparing for the best in everywhere but for the next which will be your new destination ,still unchartered still unexplored. No boundary, no confinement , no presumption. In your territory of leisure you are the sole hero and you can use every bit of it in your own term not any organizational tenets.

Failing to find your next icon? Do not peep inside the boardroom , you find him or her in the corner room instead…

pruning coal to its most beautiful shape: sometimes action happens beyond the boardroom

It always amazes me when we see in companies, especially in PSUs contractual people delivers best not the permanent employees. Thanks insecurity, thanks demand constraints in job market (even in skilled one because of the absence of right alignment ) the contract workers or outsourced service personnel always deliver the best possible goods or services. Especially in sectors which work in monopolistic environment has always susceptibility to complacency syndrome and a laze faire atitude in each and everything whether in planning or execution simply eats into its energy or excitement. The most unfortunate thing is that instead of the fact so prevailing that the difference of commitment, creativity between the both (own and outsourced) sometimes so blatantly exhibited whether you are enjoying the best blend of coffee in cafeteria or the full flowering in the garden we just don’t even give a cursory look to these guys in desk, dining room or on how they are performing in their job. It is simply at the six sigma level at some places. In one of such places where corporate training being imparted for quarter century , we have observed while the quality of the knowledge and training gets stagnant if not staggered for long (as expressed by the stakeholders) the service quality just gets evolved to huge extent . Service of food, gardening, copy printing, course material collating or compiling (not the content which got decorated hugely) such other everything outsourced got improved a lot. And any glitches there also(in contracted works) just can be rooted to the inordinate delay or indecisiveness of the company (stuffed with slow coaches anyway) just too evasive in everything they do. It is the very lively case study of explaining that the good work must be credited to the engagement and excitement of the contract labours and the discredit certainly be attributed to the laggard leadership.

While joining any new office, every aspirant have so many things in the mind, what is expected, what is committed, how the people will be and ultimately how the job profiles must be. While consciously we keep on seeking answers for each of these question, subconsciously we just keep scouring for our next icon, the role model, the mentor or Guru who will certainly tute us, train us or tag us with their philosophy. It is not necessary these all process have been instituonalised (although great companies embed the exercise in their system itself), sometimes passively the new incumbent find out its role model over the time, over the year or over the tenure. The search is always there inside you and so also the setback when you do not find anybody as such big personality in your eyes. In Public sector specially where the dragging on the same lines are the norm while crossing or breaking it always faces stiff resistance if not complete rejection, failure to find your future personified in some body or person of your aspiration is simply very disappointing. You may try to console yourself with the appreciation of the better of the lot if not bad of the so many worse choices but they cannot be the best matching with the ideals and norms you set for you especially at the beginning of the career. The most tragic part of it while searching your hero, your disappointment (of not of finding anybody such) will dampen your urge to find anybody and gradually denigrate you to be a seasoned pessimist, cynics if not a pseudo performer anyway. In fact in a company enjoying protection ,preserve, privilege by the Govt whether by default or by design of some hidden agendas (a sustaining cash cow, a money minting monopoly etc.), you will always find the mediocrity rules the roast as this type of company needs the smartest compliance master marshalling the best tricks to manage, manipulate everything to retrofit with the demand regulated and restricted.

Now you just extend your boundary of exploration and expedition. The board room may have despaired you, disappointed you but surely the corner room will not. The reception desk will not. The huge sprawling lawn spreading riots of colour and spawning feast & fusion of vusual pleasure with its leaves ,flowers , trunks so meticulous in organisation will not. Just step outside your office corridor or campus gate you will find a big litany of the people , personality in the different domains life beyond any corporate or company culture normally being roped in to design every case study or derive new management theories…………………. to be contd..

You must credit yourself to be happy enough…

For your happiness to whom you should be thankful to the person, place or the persepective which tender your happiness or yourself who wanted to be happy by whatever been bestowed? The question just gets more philosophical rather than personal more you go deeper of your realisation. As we understand and surely appreciate the fact that happiness gets multiplied once you be able to show your gratitude to the source(which again may be person, process , place or simply a new perspective) , the first initiation or the stimulant is your own approach to each and everything you face whether its eventful or so called nondescript ones. If you are prepared or potent enough to be happy without getting trapped with expectation or aspiration of any kind (which just brews the next cause of frustration as both follows no limit or constraints) , then no force in the world however demonic or devilish it may be just can make you unhappy. You can always  take the world in your own stride. Yes chance is there that the provocation, misinterpretation and ultimately force-feeding you with lots of negativity at least or uttering fatalist philosophy at best to accommodate them(all those so called misfortune or failure) as your predestined and predefined fate accompli , but again you and nobody else should be credited with how  the last time you took it so spirited and sportingly and just impressed upon the event rather than getting suppressed by it. Thus you can exploit every happening with or around you however unwarranted or undesired for you to your advantage to enjoy the takeaway to help you and other to be happy enough. My be this way you can be a direct contributor to the gross national happiness of our nation the most modern measure of development of any country.

define your problem and the solution will follow automatically

How you differentiate in two managers a naïve and a seasoned one? While facing any problem the naïve will try to find the instant solution putting into his or her all resources like time, energy ,talent in action while the seasoned one will just try to reframe the problem knowing very well that redefining or rightly defining any problem itself possess its follow up solution.

How the word “Corruption” suddenly lost its sting and became so benign

The 2G scamstars exonerated by the court. The CAG’s imagination got snubbed, as notional amount or the estimation has no place in evidence based jurisprudence .An election have been fought and won on the corruption plank which simply fizzled out due to lack or any proof cognizable by court. Whole corruption manifesto of BJP simply draws blank after paying election dividend with landslide win in 2014. It appears the whole investment of BJP and especially of Modi in rhetoric and oratory could have been completely sunk and non-redeemable had the election being fought now. Corruption suddenly losses its traction with latest verdict from CBI court and its impact looms large over the other resources tainted and targeted as sure winner on forthcoming hustling’s specially Parliamentary Election 2019. But in all the fiasco of losing revenues or forgone profit, the only thing if lost its sheen for sure that the corruption as a talisman for denting and damaging the opponent, the word “corruption” itself. Imagining the soft underbelly of any political party, corruption can simply play havoc if used in Indian context. In fact so many govt got toppled, yesterday’s opposition now seats in treasury bench, the example are in galore that Indian people or electorate simply buys in corruption charge very fast even without seeing whether it is just conjecture concocted with so many ifs and buts or there are any solid evidence to prove it. The judgment taken in the closed door TV panels, journalists feeds newsmonger without filtering it to prime pump the TRP rating rather than picking the truth as if truth never sells. And the people on the Dias simply took the advantages of the fiction rather than fact to amass its own support . Very strange , very disturbing indeed. It is the country where suddenly everything started getting denominated by corruption and that denominator itself gets strike out by the court , the whole equation or the function got undefined. Without taking any side the execution process can never be the precursor of any corrupt intent. Just not doing the auction which was till then non-existent, being highly hyped about the revenue losses will lead to a very grey area of accounts stuffed with imaginative figures and indicative calculation with nothing rationale and analytical. It is this territory, politicians or the so-called leaders may get incited to explore and exploit , not the career economist or serious citizens who must understand what chaff is and what is wheat.


Aham Bramhaasmi , I am the Bramhan the infinite reality , the ultimate which engulfs everything, encompasses everything and then entrench them to myself. The lines are from Upanishad but never been there any better line to enlighten yourself , empower or energise yourself. In mathematics infinite is the most powerful or should we say unlimited powerful number of all. It is the urge of everybody to touch that infinite , but infinite stays infinite for infinite time . So you never touch it , just keep on moving behind it, a moving target which ends nowhere and expands to everywhere and anywhere to surround you and then surpass you. It is this reality that makes us alive, keep us awaken and active. It is the same reality that never let us rest and sit. The infinity is simply the ultimate goal of the life to grow and greet this fullness of life, the complete being and still reaching nothingness a complete detachment from everything you do , you plan or perform. In our work, life or relationship , this is the same infinity which keeps us engaged , endeared and enamoured when we see both of its enormous exclusivity and inclusivity . While exclusivity speaks about our reach and richness of thought to every stakeholders around our being, its inclusivity just tell how all these events, happening and its impacts assimilate , amalgamate again with the same beings ie ourselves. And here we ourselves are the ultimate destination of our own journey which we will design and we will define nobody else so here we or I am the ultimate reality the infinite reality Aham Bramhaasmi ……..

Let me make it clear , although the Upanishad explores much deeper connect of these two syllable ultimate reality mainly the body , mind and soul to be alligned and assimilated to oneslef , here my aim to introduce yourself to you , to recognise yourself to expedite and explore yourslef . It is all about yourself nobody else , just to unedesratnd the unlimited potentiality , the uneneding eneregy and unsurmountable expanse you are exposed to and you keep on painting your imagination ,ideation, innovation unappolologic and unflinching which can hardly be bound by these trivial words like success or failure. So here we will speak on the romancing the failure not ruing it because pattern of every failure is unique not the design of success which normally moves in standardised way , labour , luck and some lines of connection  , success just has three ingredients which varies very less in proportion from one to another. Here we will speak  about the infinite potential we have provided we understand our worth and undo all entropy i.e. wrongly channeling it. The stretch , the elasticity , the huge  talent you are with just wait for a single stroke , the realisation , the close conversation with yourself  and the single line dialogue with thyself is ahambrahmaasmi,I am the ultimate,I am the infinite , nobody else.

Let the life tutor you about the changing priroity

Life is a tutorial of priorities. You must understand what you want to do and what you must do and you also should appreciate the fact that same  understanding just keeps on changing over the time. Not necessarily you will succeed all the time but surely a comprehension is expected with the maturity. There is every possibility that the organizational priority, the family priority or the social priority keep on intervening or intersecting your path of individual priority which appears to be mutual inclusive with others. The wisdom is in how you churn the chaff from the wheat and you be able to keep delineating the distraction unwarranted or the desruption undsired at the different phases of journey you have chosen. And nobody knows better than you the whole journey and its mode are nonlinear in nature so expectation to enjoy a hassle free liner equation in life like y=mx+c is just an illusion , a foolish imagination attached with its allied share of frustration which we must shun to enjoy the spirit of living full throttle.

The big curtain in front of you is being just lifted up and you never cared while been seen napping in the theatre …..

It is very amazing to appreciate the world we live in have infinite number of varieties and unrestricted vastness which are simply extending and expanding unrelentingly. And every variety is again combination of the n number of events got processed in so many conditions applied and so many assumptions taken. So just read the ripple on the face of a cobbler on the roadside , it speaks so many stories untold , so many facts to be opened up, just single redemption will fill your sac full of surprises. The treasure trove a single roadside cobbler gathers in his tenure will surpass the great novelist ‘s whole life’s asset of scriptures written and may be awaiting to be written. And you just imagine how you are passing the man(the street cobbler) very casually while gluing your eyes on the some good novel or getting you ear to some weighed conversation on some good literature. Now if you just put the perspective unwinding in the background of the cobbler sitting by the roadside , the back ground score of noise or the passing dialogues (of which one voice may be yours) , the color of sunshine shaping his shadow , or the script of his version picked up from his associates while he is speaking with his customer all just will create the next nominee for the co actor for the Oscar or the Golden Globe award of the year.

And yes we are missing so many moving cinemas getting screened in front of our eyes where you are also in some role inevitably whether you like it or lump it. A background score maker , a scriptwriter ,a cinematographer an editor ,an actor or mere a spectator whatever name it may be given you are always there as passive or active participant which you simply cannot avoid. The nicety of life is how you really embrace this role with full mindfulness rather than missing the pieces due to multitasking hollowness(and so too busy apparent to miss your surrounding).

you want to integrate your processes : then put your full heart not half into it

Enterprise solution is an integrated thought not any technical wonder and it never fails for any technical gliches rather than mental blockage or managerial grossness.

The enterprise solution is less technical and more managerial where the whole organisation gets changed in two directions simultaneously. While in bottom up direction it is about the evolutionary , the top down direction   must be simply revolutionary. In its structural change the bottom suffers less than the top because evolution is natural process whereas the revolution is not because it demands radicalisation ,a complete reengineering of the processes. While reorienting its thinking and visualising  the new environment the leadership can appreciate and accommodate its vision or goals in the new framework of solution , then only  solution will work because mostly the implementation of such softawares ultimately becomes more transformational and less tarnsactional.

Some basic premises this software beast (as it surely keep scratching each and everyone in the organisation once unleashed) are like:

  1. Superimposition of the structure on the organisation structure and the establishing the gateways at ever layers and levels between the two for seamless and smooth communication.
  2. ERP implementation must be in strategic vision of the organisaion and the the whole PMS or performance metrics must be reorganised with its (the solution’s)elements mapped  in each quadrant of the score card.
  3. Job profiles will get morphed and every body will be impacted so it is very much required to get the guys at the desk  prepared for it both way culturally and technically
  4. The clout or the hierarchy of implementation must be well established so that everybody must embrace with new environment , educate on this newer version of job design and try to exploit its full potential. The power structure must be redesigned to take the  challenge and tide over the conflict in real time otherwise the whole project will be surely bugged by common organisation blues like inertia, anachronism and aversion to change.
  5. The data will be onwards highly loaded with information which impact with immediate change , the ease of working, realtime appraisal , spurt in efficiency and effectiveness. It will be more of less like photon particle in an atom which keeps moving adrift with Brownian motion till being pinned down and hit in sychotrone creating huge exothermic reaction . Here also till date the datas were moving mostly amorphous and achromatic and now onwards they are getting topped up with information and reloaded into the throughput in decision lines. So at every level and layers we must appreciate the new avatar of data and its singularity and sanctity departing from past duality /multiplicity while  defining the actvities in new way.
  6. The knowledge osmosis between the developer and the client , the implementer and the process owners must be smooth and seamless so that unnecessary glitches or grudge (out of misinformation or misguidance ) must not create any hurdles in its super fluidity (knowledge , information ).
  7. The interfaces everywhere must keep on debating , discussing and deciphering the meaning of anything concerned whether managerial or technical in a crystal clear communication.

In fact clarity and contunuity of coommunication as well as integration of objective are at the soul of software suite called ERP which simply cannot be let loose anyway. Any breach or boundary between the developer , intgerator and user will simply play havoc in completely distabilising the softwares which will end up being more problematic for the organisation rather than any meaningful solution .


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